Friday, November 10, 2006

Flavor of Love....

Am I the only one in the world who just doesn't get it? To be fair, I never really got "The Bachelor," "Joe Millionaire," "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" or any of those other reality shows where multiple women compete for the love of one man. So, it's not just my incredulity at the thought that a group of women would be fighting over Flava Flav. But come on… For real? I mean… seriously… And the stuff these women do… I wouldn't do for any man, let alone Flav. So, somebody please tell me, what am I missing? What is the appeal? With those other reality win a man shows, I saw that folks might have been buying into the romance of it. Even then, I thought, so this is what feminists struggled for… so women could go on TV and compete for a rose from some clown, or a big clock necklace in the case of "Flavor of Love." Even if these women see this as their shot at stardom, it stills seems like a bit much. And if "Flavor of Love" is supposed to be some kind of spoof on all those other bachelor shows, the comedy is really lost on me. To be fair the extent of my watching the show is limited to catching a couple of episode during those marathons when they show them back-to-back-to-back. But I really don't understand how or why people watch. And that goes for "Flavor of Love" and "The Bachelor." So tell me good people… what am I missing? What is the appeal?

Much love and peace,



  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    sorry, sweetie.

    no insights here. i watched a couple of episodes and thought they were the most ridiculous thing... i just couldn't be slobbing a man down knowing he'd be swapping spit (and other fluids) with someone else in a minute.

    and flavor flav? for 15 minutes of fame? i'll stay obscure.

    i also can't wrap my mind around fighting with twenty other women for a man that i know nothing about. every single one of the "contestants" would have you believe they're in love w/him. please!

  2. Elle,

    Well, at least it's not just me. I swear, I don't get it at all... And I feel you on that... if Flav was my only path to fame and fortune, I'd be one broke sista and no one would ever know my name...


  3. Don't look at me! I'm clueless. I'm not sure I've even HEARD of some of the shows you mentioned. I don't get the whole reality TV thing at all.

  4. Lucky you, Molly! Trust me you aren't missing anything.

    I have to say, I can't stand reality TV. I long for the days of real actors and actresses with writers crafting great stories... I guess I'll just have to read and leave TV alone. Well... all of it except for "Grey's Anatomy," "Veronica Mars," "Brothers and Sisters," and my new favorite show, "Heros." But other than those, I'm swearing off of the tube. ;-)

  5. Well, hmmmmm, not sure what the appeal is. I love reality TV, and have to admit I'm addicted to the bachelor and bachelorette (not the spin offs), but I really don't know why. Maybe because I'm fascinated by people who put themselves in the spotlight like that. I'm always dying to see what they will say or do, and know that it's not scripted. Then again, they are still playing a role for the camera. There is no way they can completely forget the camera is off. I just love people watching, even if it's on TV. Then again, I am a TV junkie, period;)))

  6. Hmmm.... Kari, that probably is a huge part of the appeal for a lot of folks... Watching "real" people do crazy things.

    I'm a TV junkie too, but I just couldn't get into reality TV. I've tried to watch a few things. But I never got it. I'd be like, why is she letting them put her in that tub of worms... there isn't enough money in the world to make me eat bugs... he is not that cute that I would play myself in front of the world to get a rose... Unh, Unh, I know she is not letting Flava Flav put his tongue down her throat and grab her behind like that... LOL

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    i can't figure it out, either. aside from the lunacy of it all, or rather, to add to the madness, doesn't flav have a mess of kids?

  8. What's up, Madame Z--ABD :-) Congrats on passing you're exams!

    As for Flav, he has more than a few children and more than a few baby mommas. I just don't get it...

  9. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Yeah, all these shows are rather scary! No creativity...just junk!
    And to make matters worse, Flav just had his seventh child. Chills go up and down my spine at the thought of that one!

  10. Seventh child?! Lawd have mercy! Say it ain't so!

  11. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I am a TV junkie just like Kari. I have watched those Bachelor shows a few times but I don't anymore. I used to watch them just to see how stupid these women would be for "love". To view their desperation at love, money, or fame. Or whatever they were seeking.
    I have only caught a few of Flavor's episodes. I wanted to see the entire seasons, 1 and 2, but I just cannot bring myself to look at that little gremlin for extended periods of time. Might turn to stone! LOL!

  12. Ty,

    You are too funny. I sure hate to talk about folk's looks but...err... Flav is well Flav...

  13. "But the fact of the matter, is that not all women aspire to be princesses, queens, Oprah, the Virgin Mary, or even respectable." (love this quote)

    Hey Octavia!

    Thank you so much for your response. You are so right. Not all women aspire to be respectable and I am happy for that. I think that black women have let other's police our lives and our sexuality for too long. And our desire for respectability has had a lot to do with that policing, even to the point of sel-policing... but that's another post.

    That still doesn't help me get the popularity of the Flavor of Love. But I'm so glad you posted, because I really wanted to hear form people who like the show so that I could try and understand it. I think the thing that bugged me the most about the show was that the women seemed to be caricatured representations. But I guess since Flav is such a character himself that should be expected. Thanks for posting!

  14. Gwyn,

    Sometimes we just need a laugh. That’s why I watched both seasons. The stuff those sisters did to get Flav was hilarious. Every Sunday night, I went to bed laughing.

    It’s an hour of I know she didn’t? You know we love our drama, or we wouldn’t be writers.

    I watch T.V. for the entertainment to take me out of the world for a few hours. You can’t take the reality shows serious, or you’re defeating your purpose for watching them.

    Any sane woman, would question why they would want a man, who has too many kids and not much to offer. I’m assuming they just wanted their five minutes of fame.

  15. I'm not a big reality TV buff. I think I watched the original Joe Millionaire, bachelor, survivor etc... but the thrills worn off. I think the only one I really like is dancing with the stars. ( I think I relive some deep desire to be a dancer when I watch it) but I've only caught 1 episode this time because I've been writing, and now I don't know what night it's on......bummer.

  16. Hi LaShaunda!

    I know about sometimes needing a laugh. That's why I decided to blog about the show. I love to laugh too. And this seems to be something that everyone is getting except for me. The hubby watches it and a lot of my friends are hooked. I guess this is lost to me just like BET Comic View. I don't find the jokes on there funny half the time either... woe-is-me... somebody cue the harps... LOL!

    Anyway, thanks for posting! I really do want to hear from folks who like the show. I think you're on to something about the "I know she didn't do that" factor. I think that is a huge part of the show's appeal.

  17. "Dancing with the Stars," Barb?! Say it ain't so. I think you have just given me another blog topic, because I don't get that show at all. I do think that shows like "Dancing with the Stars" and "The Surreal Life" do serve a purpose though...they let us know exactly which "stars" have crossed over into the realm of "no-longer-a-star-that's-why-I'm-stuck-doing-this." LOL...

  18. No, I don't think you aren't the only one. I'm in your corner as I don't see the appeal of that show (or much of the televisions that are there for that matter). I sometimes wish I knew what the appeal was and then I think, who am I kidding? I really don't care and I am glad I am not into it. Seems like a real timesuck and I have better things to do.

  19. Rageyone,

    I wish I had your discipline. If I could cut out television, I would be so productive... But I have to watch Grey's Anatomy on Thursday's...

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