Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Embracing My Inner Bitch

A few years back, when I was an undergraduate at William Paterson College in New Jersey (I think it was my junior or senior year), I was taking an African American Studies course. I think I was one of two women in the class and the rest were guys. That was kind of odd now that I think of it, because usually women out number men on college campuses, especially black women… But that's another post for another day… Anyway, during this one class session, I got into a rather heated debate about Black leadership. And when I say heated, I mean heated. The tones and levels of voice were kicked up more than a notch. Then at one point, I guess the brother couldn't stand that this little girl was going toe to toe and not back down, because, he pulled out the B-word. Yep, he called me a bitch. I looked at him for a minute and asked him if he just called me a bitch. (No I didn't punch him dead in the eye and say who you calling a bitch like my girl Latifah. BTW, what's up, Dana! Holla at your girl!) At the time, I realized, just as I know now, that the dude only called me a bitch because I was speaking my mind and holding my space. He couldn't hang. So he threw out a word that was meant to shut me up. Poor fool didn't know that the sister was embracing her inner bitch. When he said yes, I called you a bitch, all arrogant and bold, I said thank you with a pleasant smile. I knew that I had done my job for the day. He sat there looking every bit of the idiot he was and probably still is. The other brothers in the class stepped right to him and demanded that he apologize to the sister. And he eventually did. But I really didn't need his apology. I vowed never to let self-righteous, pompous jerks try and shut me up. And I certainly wasn't going to let the word bitch stop me.

Many women are embracing the word bitch. And I don't pretend to have the answer as to whether or not that is a good thing or a bad thing. That's not the point of this post at all. The point is that sometimes (well, most times truth be told) I feel like embracing my inner bitch, my tell-it-like-it-is, stand-my-ground, take-no-shit, self. I subscribe to Bitch Magazine and I even have a collection of bitch magnets boldly displayed in my office. The heroine in my first romance novel is probably the closest to this part of my persona… even though I had to tone her way down. (I hope some of her bitchiness still shined through...)

I'll close by sharing some of the sayings on my bitch magnets and encouraging you all to embrace your inner bitch…

From the bitch magnet collection:

"You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing."

Control of

"That's Queen Bitch to you!"

"Extra-Strength Bitch"

"Life's a bitch and so am I."

"Being unstable & bitchy is all part of my mystique."

"The bitch is back!"

"Did you have a bowl of bitchy for breakfast or what?"

Bonus: Three that aren’t bitch magnets but are certainly related to the topic:

"Queen of fucking everything"

"The simple truth is… if the Queen had balls, she'd be King."

"What part of princess don't you understand?"

Have a great day and don't forget to embrace your inner bitch!



  1. You're awesome. :o)
    I'm going to embrace my inner bitch immediately. And bookmark ya.

  2. I find in interesting how some people resort to name calling. I firmly believe, at that point, the person realizes they are on the lame side of said argument and feel the need to regain control. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work, as in your case. I heart your Inner Bitch!

  3. Thanks, Cupcake! You do that. Embrace her. Love her. And most certainly give the bitch whatever she wants! :-)


  4. Rageyone,

    I know! That's why I let it roll off my back. And I heart your Inner Bitch too. :-)


  5. I've been telling folks for years: "That's Miz Bitch to you."

    Great topic, Gwyn.

  6. I'm with you, Miz Molly! --Gwyneth

  7. Anonymous10:03 PM

    i had to let ms. bitch out today, and it had been a minute since she had made her last appearance. she did the job, put the young man in his place and did it all with style, grace, and most importantly, bitchy-ness.

    thanks, ms. bolton, for celebrating the bitch in all of us.

  8. Sounds wonderful, Madame Zenobia! I can't wait to hear all about it. You have to bring her out every now and then. It keeps your skills in tact and most important it lets folks know not to mess with you!


  9. OMG!!! I feel empowered!!! My inner bitch has apparently been screaming to get out, but Miss Prude kindly told her to step down. Not anymore. Although back in H.S. I do remember my girls dedicating every Thurs. as Barbie Bitch Day. Now I understand. At least 'they' were tuned in to my bitch even if I wasn't.

    And I love the sloggans. I may have to make a collage out of them!

    Great post Gwen!!!!!

  10. Embrace my inner bitch......I LOVE that!!!! My inner bitch use to come out once a month, but now that I'm getting older, she's demanding more and more time. And I'm letting her have it. Yehaw!! Awesome post, Gwen. I'm with Barb. I just might have to print off those slogans and hang them on my office wall.

  11. Kari,

    Once a month... :-) Your post made me think of that "Everybody Loves Raymond" episode when Ray decides he's going to help Debra with her monthly moodiness by getting her all kinds of pills for her cramps, bloating, etc. And after he lists all the things that the pills can help her with she snaps "You forgot bitchy!" LOL. Yes, proper care for the inner bitch demands that you let her out more than once a month. I'm fond of saying I my PMS stands for "pre" and "post"... And it lasts clear through "during" as well... Heck, it last all month :-)


  12. LaShaunda,

    If ever there was a time when you should get a free-to-bitch-whenever-and-wherever-I-want pass, then being pregnant would be the time! It should be like, don't mess with me I'm carrying life, just give me what I want, when I wanted and shut up. In an ideal world, that would be great...


  13. Anonymous10:16 PM

    don't encourage me...

    my inner bitch has all but taken over my outer self. and the longer i stay in grad schol, the harder it is to keep those two separate. :-p

    seriously, i am guilty of using the word both ways. on women i don't like or who i offend me, it usually comes with descriptive, less than flattering adjectives. on my closest friends and family, it's more like "b*tch, please!" or "did you hear this b*tch?" or, our favorite, when we're playing phone tag, "b*tch, i been calling you all day!"

    thing is, i feel a little guilty about it, but am not at all inclined to stop.

  14. Yeah... I'm inclined to think there are some words that can be reclaimed in spite of the negative baggage and some that can't. Bitch is one of the words that can be reclaimed to an extent... And I think a lot of women have done this. But then there is the n-word... In my opinion, it can't really be reclaimed... But some folks would agrue with me on that one. Like anything, it's all in the context.

  15. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I love it, Gwen! Sometimes I think I give my inner bitch a bear hug! LOL!I'm going to have to call you and tell you what happened with that agent.

  16. Hey Tyhitia!

    Give her a bear hug! :-)

  17. I've been doing a lot of this lately. But you made me stop feeling guilty for it. Thanks, I needed that! Great post!

  18. Anytime, Nancy... Anytime! :-)

