Thursday, June 05, 2008

Throwback Thursdays

Things that Make You Go Hmm…

That was an old Arsenio Hall line for those of you old enough to remember the show… Anyway, ever since Mariah Carey married Nick Cannon folks have been wondering what in the heck she could have been thinking. And I have to say, at first I raised my eyebrow because he’s so much younger than her. Then I figured she got a little “Tender Roni.” Good for her! But then I started thinking and I thought Mariah might be on to something... I came up with the a little theory. So bear with me…

In 1987, Patrick Dempsey was a dorky looking guy who played in the film Can’t Buy Me Love . It was all about a, well dorky guy who paid this rich beautiful girl to pretend to date him so that he could be popular.

In 2003, Nick Cannon was a dorky looking guy who played in the black remake of Can’t Buy Me Love , Love Don’t Cost a Thing . Now before you start saying so what, Gwyneth… Let me say… Patrick Dempsey went from skinny dork to McDreamy.

And I’m not saying Nick Cannon is going to all of the sudden morph into a stud muffin in about ten years… although brother is getting cuter and buffer as the years go by…

But I’m just saying Mariah might be on to something and she might have picked her future McDreamy a little early so that she can watch him blossom… I’m just saying… What do y’all think?


  1. Sister Gwyneth,
    you might be on to something and as I say when people comment on mismatched relationships, 'She SEES and KNOWS something that we don't!' Giggling...


  2. Interesting theory, Gwyneth. I can't believe that's McDreamy in the first pic. Geez... He certainly did grow up to become one fine man.

    One of my friends said Mariah wants babies and she needed good strong swimmers, so she went for as young and virile as she could get. :)

  3. 'She SEES and KNOWS something that we don't!'

    There it is, Angelia! There it is! LOL.

    Chicki, he certainly did! I mean wow is the only word that comes to mind. If he continues to get better looking with age... And your friend might be on to something with the "strong swimmers"... He is certainly looking mighty err... strong... these days... ;-)


  4. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I remember this movie! Back when McDreamy was McDorky.

    I liked Nick Cannon in Drumline. He's a cutie, but he sounds kind of immature in interviews. And like a player. Hope Mariah has fun while it lasts.

  5. Yaaaay, Throwback Thursdays are back! ::Clapping my hands, Gwyneth::
    Yes, very interesting theory indeed. I saw the movie Can't Buy Me Love and didn't realize that was McDreamy until your post!

    I wish the Cannon's much success in their marriage.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Because I haven't been able to come up with any other plausible explanation, I'll go with that!

  8. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I don't see nothing wrong with Mariah & Nick being together. Men do it all of the time. Only thing I hate is I didn't get to Nick or Usher before their spouses did...ROFL

  9. Jill ~ And I thought he was kind of cute as McDorky, truth be told. I like nerds too. ;-) And I agree, Nick probably has a little maturing to do. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

    Victoria ~ I'm trying to get back into the swing of things... we'll see... :-)

    Patricia ~ I think it works and even if it doesn't, at least I get to post picture of McDreamy on the blog and that is all right with me... LOL.

    Shelia ~ OKAY! OKAY! I was joking with my sister about the same thing. They are some cuties who like them some older women... If I had known I would have put my bid in too. LOL.


  10. Nick Cannon's brother - WOW!

  11. That's Nick Cannon, Phyllis... I was using brother in the "brotha" sense of the word.


  12. LOLOLOL!!!! Somehow he looked older and cuter, so I assumed it wasn't him.

  13. I know, right! LOL. That's what made me think Mariah might be on to something. I think if he keeps getting finer with age... in about 5-10 years...He'll be a McElicious...


  14. From McDorky to McDreamy . . . Wow!

    Still, as far as Mariah and Nick, I'm going to be a spoilsport (blame it on my evil twin) and say I give it 2 years, 3 tops.

  15. Its like Wanda Sykes said (when discussing her younger husband). If you can't find a good man, raise one.

    Hell she couldn't find one, she picked up a piece of clay to mold.


    It's all about the stamina. You young strapping buck like that can get and keep it up all day and night. MMMMmmm. She might be on to something with that.

    Let me check out the high school graduation announcements so I can be like Mariah

  16. Bettye ~ The romance writer in me is rooting for them to make it 50 years or more... But in reality... ;-) You're odds might be better. LOL.

    KD ~ If you can't find a good man then raise one ... I'm laughing my behind off. Wanda Sykes is funny as hell. Now, you make sure that when you check those announcements you make sure they are 18. I'm not coming down there to bail you out. LOL.
