Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Busy as all get out! (Updated with Pictures)

Traveling at the end of the semester is always crazy hectic. And with three conferences happening so late this year I'm feeling the crunch. I have so much stuff to do in order to wrap up the semester and get ready for Slam Jam next week, I feel like I'm running to catch up with myself. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off as my mom used to say... Anyway, RT was fun. I was bad. I didn't take any pictures of my own. Sorry, guys. I was too busy being a fan girl... Hopefully my friends will share. Shameless plea for folks to send me the pictures they promised... Please... :-) Because I certainly posed for enough, grinning like a fool the entire time. I did the fan girl squee as usual, just like I always do when I see Brenda Jackson and L. A. Banks. I'm surprised I was able to form a sentence to talk to these ladies. I love their novels so much. And they are such nice down to earth sistas. I just took notes on how to treat readers when you meet them. Not that I have any readers that will fan girl squee and gush like me when I meet my favs. Anyway, I also got to hang out with some of my new favorite authors who I also consider friends. I got to hang with A. C. Arthur, Kimberly Kaye Terry, Maureen Smith and Ann Christopher. I finally met Ann Aguirre and Vivi Anna. And yes, they both rock. I got to hang out with my Central New York Romance Writers chapter members, authors Susan St. Thomas and Nancy Henderson. Susan and I were roomies and danced our behinds off. Well, maybe not our entire behinds, but you get the idea... I went to a panel with J. R. Ward on it and got to see her talk about the Black Dagger Brothers. I also met two sista-authors who I have just recently discovered but so far have enjoyed everything I've read by them, Bridget Midway and Eve Vaughn. The highlight of the conference was meeting my new Kimani editor, Kelli Martin. She was just as cool in person as she has been to work with. She rocks!

I had a blast even though I didn't dress up for the Fairy Ball or the Vampire Ball. I might dress up if I go next year, because some of those fairy wings looked so-oo cute. I have to say, I wanted me some sparkling fairy wings... Anyway, I now have to finish up the semester, make one possibly life-changing decision, and get ready for Slam Jam... Why did I say I would do a workshop on this topic? Why didn't I pick a topic that I've done lots of times before? Because I'm crazy that's why! I'll be back soon guys. And I'm working on a few changes that might give Gwyneth's Blog a little face lift.

much love and peace,



See what begging for pictures on the blog will get you? Pictures to share. ;-) The awesome Kimberly Kaye Terry sent me some pictures and I snatched a picture from the wonderful Ann Christopher's blog. She has a bunch of great picture from the conference over there so you should all go and check them out.

Here's a picture from the African American Romance Panel.

Here's the panel again, Maureen Smith, me, Brenda Jackson, Kimberly Kaye Terry, A. C. Arthur and editor Kelli Martin.

I stole this picture of me L. A. Banks and Kimberly Kaye Terry from Ann's blog. I couldn't help it. It's L. A. Banks... And Ann has lots of pictures over there. ;-)


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Gwyneth welcome back. It sounds like you had a good time. I wish I could have been there. I'm going to miss you ladies next week.

  2. Gwyn, it was awesome to meet you. You made me laugh so hard my gut ached for days.

  3. Welcome Back Lady Gwyneth,
    and your FANS, will patiently await your return...

    Angelia, loyal fan

  4. Hey mama,
    I had a blast with you, girl you are the BOMB!! I laughed so hard at a few of your quips, my teeth ached!!

    See you at Slam Jam next week, chica!!

    **Big smooches**


  5. Welcome back, Gwyneth! I missed you, but I'm glad you had a good time. Can't wait to see you next Saturday at the Slam Jam!


  6. welcome back gwyneth.

    i don't know any of the authors you named but i can sense your excitement, and probably theirs too. glad that you had a great time.

  7. a blog lift? can't wait to see what you come up with.

  8. Hey Gwyneth,

    Are you kidding me? You know I'm gonna be one of those fan squee girls when I meet you next week! LOL

    Glad you had a great time!


  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Gwyneth, I'm glad you had a great time! Hopefully next year I will get to attend.

  10. Shelia ~ Thanks! I wish you were coming to Slam Jam. I just knew we were finally going to meet in person. One day...

    Vivi ~ You had me cracking up too. You are a riot and can cut up on the dance floor!

    Angelia ~ You know I'm your fan! :-)

    Kimberly ~ Girl, I don't know if I will be able to survive two weekends hanging with you. We might end up getting kicked out of the place. You make me act a fool! ;-) I'm normally a quiet girl. *putting on my angel halo*

    Bettye ~ I can't wait to meet you! I have to remember to bring my camera this time.

    Don ~ I had a blast! And the face lift for the blog will be coming in the form of a face lift for my entire web presence. I can't wait to do the unveil... :-)

    Victoria ~ Girl, you... I'll have my copy of your book waiting to be signed. :-)

    Tiffany ~ Girl you would love it!


  11. Gwyneth, glad you had a great time. Don't sell yourself short! I'm sure I've got a squee waiting for you. :smile:

  12. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I'm jealous.

  13. I saw your picture over on Ann's web site. Looks like you had a great time. One of these days I'm going to make it to a convention.

  14. Been hearing sooooo much about RT. It looks like everyone had a fabulous time. I am definitely attending next year in Orlando.

    See you next week at Slam Jam!

  15. Cool, pictures! Wish I could have been there. :*) Can't wait to see what you have planned for the blog...

  16. Patricia ~ :-) Awww.... We'll both be squeeing. LOL.

    Tamika ~ Don't be jealous. You got to go to CCCC's and hang out with the dynamic Gwendolyn D. Pough. hahaha...

    Chicki ~ I had fun. And Pittsburgh is a pretty cool city.

    Farrah ~ Now Orlando sounds like the place to go. I might have to start saving up my pennies.

    Tyhitia ~ Yeah, there's gonna be some changes around here soon. I can't wait. :-)

  17. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Glad to read that you had a good time!


  18. @ gwyneth: definitely sounds exciting.

  19. Hey, you all look great and so glad you had fun! I love the braids the one lady has. I've always loved braids.

  20. Hey girl, thought I'd drop by to holla accha...see you in a couple of days. My coochie fans arrived in the mail, woot! Also just got my D Locs all freshly re-twisted and I got 'em crimped gurrrl, watch out there now, Chi-Town here I come, lol!!!


  21. Paz ~ Thanks!

    Don ~ It was fun.

    Kimber An ~ Thanks! You're so sweet!

    Kim ~ Oooo! I can't wait to see the lovely locs! :-) We are going to really cut up in Chi-town.


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