Monday, April 07, 2008

About a Book Mondays

No One But You by Michelle Monkou

Michelle Monkou is starting a hot new series this month! No One But You is the first novel in the Ladies of Distinction Series. After reading the novels in her Masterson Series, I’m really excited about her new series. And after reading No One But You all I can say is run to the bookstore and pick up your copy today! I really enjoyed this novel and I know others will enjoy it as well. It takes one of my favorite romance themes, friends to lovers, and kicks it up a notch. I’m so excited to have the chance to chat with Michelle about her new book and this new series!

GB: So, Michelle, can you tell folks who haven’t read your amazing new book a little bit about your latest release?

MM: No One But You is a romantic fiction published by Harlequin Kimani that introduces the first in the Ladies of Distinction series about sorority sisters who pledged together and now face life after university. After college, Jackson Thomas chose his family business over Sarafina Lovell. Now Jackson is back, and Sara plans to give him one sultry goodbye kiss to prove she’s moved on. His sizzling kiss awakens memories of passion too hot to ignore.…I’ll let you uncover the roller coaster ride to the romantic end.

GB: Roller coaster ride is right. LOL. It was like one of those looping, twisting roller coasters, too!

Okay, you’re a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated. Did you base your new series on your on experiences being a member of a predominantly Black Greek organization? Do you think having that experience helped you to craft the novels in this series?

MM: I’ve been a member of Sigma Gamma Rho since 1987 with Zeta Tau Sigma Chapter in Maryland. The new series does not portray Sigma Gamma Rho’s pledge process because the organization banned pledging as a direct result of the hazing lawsuits that all fraternal organizations face. Instead, I used the positive aspects of the pledging experience that I witnessed among the original four black sororities over several years: Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Theta Sigma, and Sigma Gamma Rho.

But true, deep friendships occur with schoolmates, book club members, knitting club, etc., making this bonding universal regardless of race, class, or any other differences. I don’t think you have to be a part of a sorority to write about the experience. However, since my experience was a positive one, I chose to give the African American fraternal institutions and their missions the respect and platform as the founders intended.

GB: You did a wonderful job. The closeness of the sorors in the novel made me want to run and call each of my line sisters after I read the novel. Anyway, No One But You takes on the wonderfully classic “lovers reunited” romance theme. What made you decide to use this theme in your latest release?

MM: Lovers reunited is a theme that people can relate to because many of us may have experiences from past relationships that still hold a special place in our hearts. With everything else in place, sometimes timing plays that crucial role that acts as a divider between a couple. And if we had a second chance, we vow not to make the mistake again.

In No One But You , Jackson has been helped by Sara’s sorority sisters who intervene without her knowledge to get the couple back together. They know that Sara still loves this man, and they take the chance that Jackson will step up and take on the quest to reclaim his college sweetheart. I’m a romantic at heart and could possibly see some of my old college friends reconnecting given the right time and place for the magical moment.

GB: What else do you have in store for readers with this hot new series? Can you give us some hints and sneak peeks of what we can expect in the forthcoming novels? What else will those sorors of Xi Sigma Theta be getting into? What are the up coming titles and release dates for the rest of the series?

MM: Each story will focus on the life of a particular sorority sister. There will be secrets to uncover, confessions of past sins to disclose, but also, a deeper understanding and humility that she will learn about herself as she faces life long love with her soul mate.

Gamble On Love – October 2008 – Denise Dixon is everything self-made millionaire Jaden Bond has come to hate in a woman. The “Black American Princess” is spoiled rotten and a gambler. But with the looks to rival a genuine beauty queen and a sassy attitude to back them up, Denise is a blow torch to Jaden’s cold-hearted cynicism and his legendary self-control.

Only In Paradise – April 2009 – Athena, a twin, leaves her job and home to work in a school on a small Caribbean island where she gets a daily dose of her elegantly handsome boss, Collin Wadsworth.

Title To Be Decided – October 2009 – Naomi, the ex-basketball player must re-enter life after a horrendous injury only to be challenged by a no-nonsense plastic surgeon, Sergio Lopez.

Last Title in Series – In 2010 – This will be Asia’s story, the other twin. At this moment, Asia’s story is not crafted, but she might end up in England.

GB: What the best way for readers to get in contact with you?

MM: I’m more accessible by email than snail mail. My email is Another way to keep updated on goings on is my shared reader loop with Gwyneth Bolton, Shelia Goss and Celeste Norfleet at Send an email if you’d like to join this fantastic loop where we have contests, chats and lively discussions.


  1. Sounds like the start of a great series, congraulations Michelle, another great interview, Lady Gwyneth...


  2. Gorgeous cover! And it sounds like a wonderful story too.

  3. Angelia ~ Thanks for checking out the interview!

    Kimber An ~ The cover is gorgeous isn't it? Thanks for checking out the interview!


  4. about sorority sisters who pledged together and now face life after university. Sounds like a great theme.

    I agree, lovers united has always held a very universal appeal.

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Gwyneth, that was a great interview. I am in the process of reading No One But You Right now and I cannot wait to read the others in this series.

  6. Don ~ Yes, I think we can all relate to the lovers reunited theme on some level.

    Tiffany ~ Cool! I read it on the plane. I enjoyed it.


  7. This one is on my list for weekly trip to B&N. Sounds wonderful!!!

  8. Gwyneth

    Thanks for giving me the spotlight.

    The marketing/sales department really outdid themselves with the cover of this book. I was thrilled when I received the attachment from Harlequin.

    The story is a quick read and I would have loved another 100 pages to explore some of the subplots. But with strict word counts, it is what is.

    Thanks for all those who've stopped by and shared a comment. Much appreciated.

    Michelle Monkou

  9. Beautiful cover and great interview, Gwyneth and Michelle!

  10. I've read a couple of Michelle's books and really enjoyed them. Can't wait to start this series! Does anyone know if I can buy some stock in Harlequin? LOL
    Great interview, Gwyneth!


  11. Great interview!

  12. The cover is absolutely beautiful!The storylines have definitely piqued my interest. I'm a fan of international romance:) so I'm looking forward to reading the stories set in the Caribbean and England as well.

  13. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Good interview ladies. I'm reading No One But You now. I should be through reading it before I go to bed tonight.

  14. Sounds like a fun read, and a fun series.

    Congratulations, Michelle!

  15. Farrah ~ Don't ya just love adding books to your to-buy list? :-)

    Michelle ~ No problem, it was fun to chat with you about your novel!

    Bettye ~ Thanks for checking out the interview.

    Victoria ~ I know what you mean. LOL. As much money as I spend each month on I need some stock myself.

    Yasmin ~Thanks for checking out the interview.

    Niambi ~ Thanks for checking out the interview. You're up next week. Congrats on your debut novel!

    Shelia ~ I really enjoyed it.

    Patricia ~ It was fun!


  16. @ gwyneth: agreed.

  17. Sounds like a wonderful series, thanks for introducing me to this author, G.

  18. Don ~ Yep!

    Bella ~ Thanks for checking out the interview.
