Monday, April 14, 2008

About A Book Mondays: Introducing Niambi Brown Davis

Debut Author Niambi Brown Davis

GB: So, Niambi, tell us a little bit about yourself. In addition to the standard biography, what’s one thing about you that most people would be surprised by?

NBD: My kids encouraged me to enter the “Dancing with the Moms” competition on Good Morning America! I did not, but I do plan to train with a former Latin champion to become a student instructor. At one time, I considered Pro-Am competition (an amateur paired with a professional dancer). But in order to reach that level, everything else in life would come to a very expensive and complete stop. And as much as I love dancing, I love writing even more.

GB: Tell us little about your road to publication. What was it like getting the call? Holding your novel in your hands for the first time?

NBD: The first words that come to mind are “long and winding.” What I did not know would fill an entire set of encyclopedias. After I won third place in 2003 for the Aspiring Writers Contest at Romance Slam Jam, I was certain it was only a matter of time before my book would be out there. Not! My manuscript was rejected and revised, rejected and revised again, until I came up with the version that was accepted by Parker Publishing. The call was actually an email, and talk about an out-of-body experience - I was speechless; anybody looking would swear I was having a seizure! I have not received the book yet, but when I do get it in my hands, I will be doing some of that dancing I told you about.

GB: Tell us a little bit about your novel From Dusk to Dawn . What was your inspiration for writing it?

NBD: It is the story of a man and a woman who are opposites in every way – in faith, in age, in goals for their life. In spite of all their differences, they fall deeply in love. There are obstacles, each of which they overcome, until their love is tested by the greatest challenge of their relationship. In the end, will love or fear conquer all? The inspiration for the story was an African-American woman expatriate I met many years ago in Trinidad. When I had to come up with an introductory paragraph in a writing class, she popped into my mind. Afterwards, I applied the “what-if” test, until I came up with the story of Ayo and Bilal.

GB: What’s next on the horizon for you? Do you have any other novels scheduled for publication? What’s in the works?

NBD: Next up is a historical that has been percolating for at least two years. It is the story of a young black woman in 18th century England who finds love halfway around the world. In her words, she has had a taste of love and of freedom, and she will risk everything to get it back. Then there is the story of a woman accused of burning down her home. She seeks refuge in the British Virgin Islands where she owns a boat. She becomes a luxury charter captain while trying to find out who framed her and why. A character from Dusk to Dawn plays a major role in this one.

GB: What are you reading right now? What kind of books do you like to read?

NBD: Right now, I cannot wait to get into Pearl Cleage’s new release. Of course, I am the number one fan of a great romance. I love historical fiction and books with magical, supernatural storylines, suspense and mysteries, and those with heroines over 40.

GB: Do you have any advice for other writers dreaming of their own debut?

NBD: Be patient, persevere and be prepared. Keep yourself open to opportunity. It can drop into your lap when you least expect it, and may be the stepping-stone that will take you to the next level.

Book Blurb:

By the time she was 22, Ayo Montgomery had been an expatriate, a wife, a mother and a widow. Twenty years later, she’s finally at a place of peace in her life. Her son is away at school in Florida. Her soap and body products business is flourishing. She doesn’t know what she’s missing until Bilal Abdul Salaam walks into her life. Bilal has been looking for a woman to love, cherish, have children and grow old with. On the hottest day of the year, he finds her, and she’s everything he didn’t expect. He’s Muslim and she most definitely is not. Ayo is 42 and has already raised a son. He’s 32 and ready to start a family of his own. But both are overwhelmed by a smoldering attraction that refuses to acknowledge their differences. As they work their way through each obstacle, they discover their love is strong enough, passionate enough and deep enough to make every sacrifice worthwhile.

Check out Niambi’s wonderful book trailer here:

Find out more about Niambi and her books here:




    1. Anonymous12:25 AM

      I love the cover. I look forward to reading your debut novel and many more to come.

    2. This is awesome!
      And APOOO is hosting a Virtual Book Launch Party for the Against All Odds/From Dusk to Dawn Book Tour next Sunday! If anyone would like more details, please feel free to email me...there will be virtual cake and punch...but REAL PRIZES...FREE BOOKS, GIFT CERTIFICATES, CDs, BATH AND BODY PRODUCTS AND MORE!
      Hope you can join us...and I sure wish I could win that gift basket with Ms. Ayo and Niambi's products...maybe she'll make me one for my 50th b-day in September...hint, hint...hehe.
      PS...Isn't the cover beautiful and the story is also!

    3. Great interview! It's amazing how much Niambi looks like my friend, Cheryl.

    4. Another great interview Gwyneth, Congratulation Niambi, looking forward to reading this one!


    5. Great interview, Gwyneth!

      Yes, that is a gorgeous cover and the stories sound so adventurous too. I love 'far and away' Romances.

      Cool name too - Niambi.

    6. Good morning, Gwyneth, and thanks for inviting me into your space!

    7. Thanks, Yas: The party and tour kick-off will be great ( many thanks to you:) And yes, I did catch that hint! (lol)

    8. Thanks, Chicki. BTW, I've heard that we all have a twin somewhere:)

    9. Thanks, Angelia. I appreciate your support and hope you enjoy the book.

    10. Hi, Kimber an: Thanks for the cover compliment. I see we're kindred spirits - 'far and away' is my specialty. If only I could manage on-site research for each and every one of them:)

    11. Congrats on your debut novel, Niambi! Great interview and beautiful book trailer!


    12. Shelia ~ Thanks for checking out the interview!

      Yasmin ~ Thanks so much for sharing this information. I'll definitely try and make it to the virtual launch!

      Chicki ~ Isn't it funny how we can run into folks who look like other folks?

      Angelia ~ Thanks for checking out the interview!

      Kimber An ~ The cover is lovely isn't it. It has a different look.

      Niambi ~ Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I can't wait to read your novel. If it is as wonderful as your amazing Sand and Silk body products then I know it's gonna be so-oo good! :-)


    13. Thanks for checking out the interview, Victoria! :-)


    14. My manuscript was rejected and revised, rejected and revised again, until I came up with the version that was accepted my greatest fear. i think that may be the great fear of alot of aspiring career writers.

      alot of people tell me that the ability to perservere will make all the difference in the world. so that is great advice given by niambi.

    15. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Great interview Gwyneth, I also love the cover. I will be adding this one to my tbr list.

    16. Niambi Brown Davis has left a new comment on the post "About A Book Mondays: Introducing Niambi Brown Dav...":

      Thanks, Yas: The party and tour kick-off will be great ( many thanks to you:) And yes, I did catch that hint! (lol)

      Hehe...hmmm mother's day is around the corner...QQ...when are you going to share what's in these lovely baskets... we need pictures....of course, that will really have me salivating...hehe.

    17. I do enjoy Gwyneth's interviews. Much success, Niambi!

    18. Nice interview, Gwyneth and Niambi.

      I was just googling Niambi when I wondered whether Gwyneth had interviewed you as yet. Somehow I knew she would.

      Congratulations Niambi on your debut!

    19. Don ~ That's so true, at the end of the day it really is about sticking to it and following it through. That's a huge part of it, never giving up.

      Tiffany ~ I love the cover. The sister's eye shadow is kicking. LOL.

      Bettye ~ Thanks for checking out the interview.

      Patricia ~ You knew I'd have the interview sooner of later. LOL. ;-)


    20. @ gwyneth: wise words spoken. the follow through is also key.

    21. Anonymous12:26 AM

      Great interview.

      Looking very much forward to checking out From Dusk to Dawn.

      Gwyneth, thank you for bringing a new writer to my attention.

    22. Another fabulous interview, Gwyneth. You already know how many books I have, and yet you make me buy more! :P````

    23. Thanks again, to Gwyneth and everyone who sent me good wishes and is going to read the book - it's very much appreciated!

    24. I hope I can get my hands on a copy. It was sold out on amazon when I went to order it, but it seems like it will be a great an exciting read. As well Niambi I love the advice you give to aspiring authors.
