Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Black Butterfly Review 1st Annual Holiday Explosion

You are cordially invited to our 1st Holiday Explosion. On Sunday, December 16, 2007 @ 7pm EST, join us for a lively discussion with the prolific erotica author, Kimberly Kaye Terry as we discuss her latest release, Ridin' the Rails.

Kimberly Kaye Terry

  • Immediately following the book discussion we will kick off the Author Explosion with a chat session featuring some of your favorite authors as they introduce their new releases and share some of their holiday traditions.

    There will be door prizes, lots of book giveaways and a festive atmosphere. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Join the chat here:


  • Holiday Author Explosion

    Authors Attending

  • Maureen Smith

  • Gwyneth Bolton

  • Cheris Hodges

  • Marlene

  • Samara King

  • Taige Crenshaw

  • Terren Grimble

  • Shelia Goss

  • AC Arthur

  • Lyric James

  • TJ Michaels

  • Andrea Blackstone

  • Sapphire Blue

  • Lorraine Morris Cole

  • We hope you can join us for the exciting event!


    Eleanor S. Shields
    Black Butterfly Review