Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Life from A to Z

So, I’m doing my usual blog reads and I come across this cool post on Shelia's blog. It seemed like fun. And, since she ended her post with... if you’re reading this do your own... I thought I would. Don't ever say I never shared way too much information with you... LOL.

A - Age: 37

B - Best Friend: My sister Jennifer

C - Choice of Meat: Chicken, gotta have that yard bird…

D - Dream Date: The hubby of course, but if he’s not available I’d settle for a date with Denzel… I mean it would be a hardship… but…

E - Exciting Adventure: All the books I ever wanted to read and all the time in the world to read them, that way I can take on a whole new adventure every time I picked up a new book…

F - Favorite Food: My two favorite foods are the two things I can’t really eat anymore, homemade macaroni and cheese and pizza. Damn lactose intolerance!

G - Greatest Accomplishment: A tie between getting my doctorate and getting tenure before thirty-five

H - Happiest Day of Your Life: Every day I wake up I’m happy!

I - Interests: Reading and writing, writing and reading

J - Joke: Is that your head or is your neck blowing a bubble?

K - Kool-Aid: I don’t really like Kool-Aid. But I’d have to say that mixing cherry and lemon together is good with some sliced lemons in it. I can’t stand that kool-aid with more sugar than water, though. You know what I’m talking about that syrupy sugar water with a little color in it… yuk. LOL.

L - Love: makes the world go around… what else would you expect a romance writer to say…

M - Most Valued Possession: Hmm… I don’t really covet possessions like that… I mean, I value what I have and I feel blessed to have the things I have… But I guess I don’t have any one thing that is “most valued”

N - Name: Gwendolyn aka Kitten aka Gwyneth Bolton aka Gwenny Dee

O - Outfit You Love: Do pajamas count as an outfit? How about if I accessorized them with a blanket, a cup of tea and a good book while lounging in my reading room?

P - Pizza Toppings: Pepperoni

Q - Question Asked To You the Most: When are you going to have some kids?

R - Radio Station: Any station that plays hip-hop

S - Sport: Basketball. It’s the only sport I can somewhat follow.

T - Television Show: Heroes

U - Umbrella in the rain?: I have locs so I could go without one. But I’m sugar and I’d melt, so I use one when I have it. Can’t have all this sweetness washing away…

V - Video: Claudine ; Love & Basketball ; Mahogany ; Love Jones ; Grease ; How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days ; Brown Sugar

W - Winter: Could be a really romantic time of year… Do you ever wonder why you see so many pregnant women in the spring and summer? It’s all those cups of spiked hot chocolate by the fire and romantic snowball fights that end up in passion… Or is it folks staying warm the old fashioned way?

X - X-rays recently?: No

Y - Year Born: 1970

Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo


  1. I tell you that Love and Basketball, Brown Sugar continues to show up as fave movies, I also love Love Jones, and I still love Hav Plenty....

    Love your alphabets,

  2. Very interesting. Doctorate and tenure before 35...Wow!

    I so agree with your favorite outfit. Yesterday I saw a pair of fleece pajamas in Wal-Mart that I MUST have for rainy days.

  3. Angelia ~ I can watch those movies over and over again. I love them.

    Chicki ~ I knew someone would agree with me on the favorite outfit. LOL. Those fleece pajamas sound like a must have. I need to get me some for the Central NY winters LOL.


  4. Love and basketball, pizza, homemade mac n cheese, reading, writing ... we have much in common.

    And what are you waiting on to have kids?

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I know how you feel about the homemade macaroni & cheese, hopefully I will get some on Thanksgiving. Of course Love and Basketball was one of my favorite movies

  6. Hey, I love the sugary, Kool-Aid! Do you remember that dumb commercial for it? "I make Kool-Aid for my family, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. I make pitcher after pitcher, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. I make Kool-Aid for my family." ROFLMAO!!! Anyone? LOL...

  7. Ah, the sorrow of the lactose-intolerant! (I love my pistachio ice cream.) But, like Chicki, I'm very impressed with your career credentials.

  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Chicken, got to love it :)

    Yes, we have the same

    Congrats on the doctorate and tenure! You're a role model and I'm so proud of you.

    As Don mentioned, we all love Basketball. If I ever get some NBA Championship tickets, I know the two folks I'll be looking up to go with me :)

  9. Don ~ Waiting on the stork. LOL.... thinking about adoption...

    Tiffany ~ I'm gonna have to have a stash of Lactaid pills on Thanksgiving, because I am having at least one serving of momma's mac and cheese!

    Tyhitia ~ I don't remember that commercial.... And sugary Kool-Aid is just all kinds of wrong. :-)

    Bettye ~ Lactose intolerance just sucks... I kinda miss my butter-pecan ice cream... :-(

  10. Shelia ~ Basketball is about the only sport I can follow and that keeps my interests. I have no idea what they're doing in football. Baseball bores me to tears...

  11. Oh, so funny, Gwyneth.

  12. We have too many things in common to list. Big Kudos on the doctorate and tenure before 35!

    Now this was interesting. Think I'll borrow this one.

  13. Kimber An ~ :-)

    Patricia ~ Thanks! :-)


  14. I love it! I posted one on my blog. Check it out.

  15. Greatest Accomplishment: A tie between getting my doctorate and getting tenure before thirty-five

    AWESOME...I love hearing about sistas who are doing the dayum thang...esp. Sista Professors!
    Oh yeah and don't listen to those folks who are asking you when you are going to have know misery just loves company...hehe.

    Oh yeah I loved it and posted on my myspace blog...check it out when you have a moment.
