Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Debut Authors Week: Meet Sapphire Blue

Next up we have new erotic romance author Sapphire Blue. I read her novella in the anthology Love For All Seasons and enjoyed it immensely. Now she has a release with Loose ID titled Touch Me, Please Me about a desirable witch. And given how much I love my paranormal elements and my HEAT, I'm pretty sure Sapphire Blue is going to quickly become one of my auto-buy authors. So, it's my pleasure to welcome Sapphire to my blog. Thanks for taking a moment to let us know a little bit more about you and your work.

1. So tell us a little bit about yourself. In addition to the standard biography, what’s one thing about you that most people would be surprised by?

I am an event planner as well as an author. I spend most of my days, talking with various vendors and potential clients and my nights writing steaming love stories. I’ve been writing for more than fifteen years and love everything romance. I even have a few Westerns on my bookshelf.

I don’t think there’s anything surprising about me. I have a very vivid imagination although my own life may not mimic that.

2. Tell us a little bit about your road to publication. What was it like getting the call? So far you have a novella in an anthology and a new single release anthology with an e-book publisher. What was it like seeing your work in print in such different ways back to back?

The anthology was based on a recommendation so I didn’t get a call for that. Although, I loved writing “Summer Lovin’ “. The next book is an e-book so the call was in the form of an email, but that takes nothing away from the excitement. I was thrilled when Loose ID said they wanted the Desirable series.

Print and e-book publication are really different so I’ve been learning the ropes of both simultaneously. But my book on screen and on sale at the publisher’s website is just as exhilarating as holding the actual book in my hand. Each one fills me with a sense of accomplishment.

3. Tell us a little bit about your new novella, Touch Me, Please Me . What was your inspiration for writing it?

There were a few inspiring factors, Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman , because she was a prostitute who could choose to live her life as promiscuously as she wanted and still need to be loved in the end. Charmed , because I am just fascinated with witches. And the movie Mystic Pizza , because I liked the small town.

The Desirable witches are promiscuous and powerful. They are assigned a Vector where they must protect all the innocents in that location from the Phantoms. Sahara Baker does her job very well. Until Cedric Compton, a fantasy novelist shows up at her door. Cedric is doing research for his latest book and is intrigued by the myth of the Desirable witches, until he falls in love with one.

It’s a pretty hot story filled with magic and of course, romance.

4. A little birdie told me that Touch Me, Please Me is the start of a new series. When can we expect more of these Desirable Witches? What else do you have in the works?

That little birdie is correct. The second Desirable story, Make Me is almost finished and will probably be out some time in early spring.

I have a shapeshifter novella being released in November from Ellora’s Cave that I’m pretty excited about. The cover is HOT!!! And I’m working on something for print next year.

5. Oh yes, that cover is HOT! Okay, do you have any advice for other writers dreaming of their own debut?

Keep writing and keep submitting, that’s the only way you’re dream will become a reality.

To find out more about Sapphire Blue visit:

  • http://www.sapphirestories.com

  • http://www.myspace.com/sapphirestories

  • http://sapphirebluenotes.blogspot.com

  • Don't forget to stop by on Wednesday to meet Christian fiction author Pat Simmons!


    1. Well now, a sexy witch, I like that,,,


    2. I know, Angelia! Me too! :-) Thanks for checking out the interview.


    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Great interview, I will have to check out her books.

    4. Gwyneth, do you have any e-books that you would like to donate to my email address? And I would have never figured a romance novelist would have written a western.

    5. Great interview! I love her Loose Id cover. Very sexy.

    6. I read Summer Lovin' too and enjoyed it. She really pushed the boundaries of erotica with a great story. Haven't read the ebooks yet but I plan to.

    7. Tiffany ~ I just purchased her e-books. I need to read them. I can't wait for winter break so I can have me a nice reading spree... :-)

      Don ~ Now you know that's stealing... :-) Oh, and there are lots of Western romance novels. Some are historical and set in the old west and there are so many romance novels set on ranches with cowboys as the hero it isn't even funny.

      Ann ~ She has two really great covers... The cover gods must be smiling on her that's for sure.

      AC ~ She did push those boundaries in that story, didn't she... mmm... I liked it though. Push on Sapphire, push on... ;-) I liked your story in that anthology too. It's a great anthology. Pick up Love for All Seasons everybody.


    8. I enjoyed Sapphire's story in Love For All Seasons. She is a really talented author and I am sure that her career will rise to the forefront at warp speeds. Anoher great interview G!

    9. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Sapphire I love your name. When I was looking for a pen name, I came across your name (which is my birthstone) so I had to find another name :)

      Great interview ladies.

    10. Eleanor ~ I agree with you. I think Sapphire Blue is going to be a hit! :-)

      Shelia ~ So... ahh... what name did you pick? :-)

    11. Anonymous3:06 PM

      hee hee Gwyneth, I'll have to tell you later (offline at that...lol)

    12. Shelia ~ LOL. I figured it couldn't hurt to try and see if you would answer that. Although I had a feeling you wouldn't... :-)

    13. Anonymous9:34 AM

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    14. Anonymous1:51 AM

      I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think.
