Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Working hard or hardly working?

You ever feel like you have so much to do that there is no way you can possibly get it all done? Have you ever felt that way and then decided it was time to do something super important like update your Meez or add some books to your Shelfari page? If you have, then I like you very much. You are my kind of people! If you haven't... so what goody-two-shoes. ;-)

Okay, back to work for me...

much love and peace,



  1. Hey sis

    I have felt like I've had sooooo much to and not enough time for so long, I don't know how it is to feel otherwise...don't even get me started on Shelfari!

    Okay...back to work for me too...lol


  2. Anonymous7:21 PM

    lol...girl last week was one of those weeks for me. I can honestly say this week has been productive. My rough draft is coming along. I have a long way to go, but I'm pages closer to the finish line.

    Girl, last week, no matter what, I kept allowing stuff to get in the way of me working. My email kept drawing me in. Then I started surfing the blogs and clicked and clicked and clicked...well you get the point.

  3. Oh yes. There's the internet, then there are really time-consuming yet semi-mindless activities like minesweeper, freecell and (if the worst comes to the worst) trying to clean the fluff out of my keyboard. Or (and this is the best option) I pick up another romance and tell myself it's work. Which it is, of course :-)

    Seriously, I think sometimes, however many things you have to do, you need to take a break to give your brain a chance to rest a bit and de-stress.

  4. Genesis ~ Okay! This running to catch up with myself is getting so-oo old. I know you feel me on Shelfari. LOL. That thing can be addictive for a bookaholic.

    Shelia ~ I'm glad someone is having a prductive week. I might have to have the wireless removed from my laptop. This is ridculous. But, I'd only do to the desktop and get on there. I need an intervention.

    Laura ~ Yes, being able to read a novel and call it "work" is lovely, isn't it? To bad all this other work is getting in the way of that. I like the idea of taking a break to give the brain a chance to de-stress. In fact, that's what I'll call my litlle detour with Meez today... a moment to de-stress. :-)


  5. You must really like me, your favorite advisee then!!!

  6. All right Ms. I Have Spoken... :-) Now I have to pull out the old "do as I say and not as I do..." LOL. I need to add the disclaimer "unless you are an advisee studying for her prelims..." :-)


  7. Gwyneth,
    I am so feeling you, I have been like that all week and have absolutley no shame in my game...


  8. I really like that Meez! When I get in one of those moods, I slide on over to the Vin Diesel Fan Club web site, look at pictures and read up on what my boy has been doing between movies. Umm, what a delicious waste of time...

  9. Angelia ~ Okay!

    Chicki ~ Hmm... that does sound like a nice way to... err... pass the time...


  10. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I have definitely felt like that and there are a lot of mindless activities on the net. For me it is usually Free Cell or Mahjong. I have to take a break from it all so I usually play one of those games and then get back to the school work.

  11. Yeah, or visiting your friends or cousin's blog...lol...yeah, I can relate! :*)

  12. lmao. I love this post.

    I was just looking around trying to see who I can bother to get past this rainy day. Then I click on your blog, and see this post.

    I'm hardly working. As usual. This is a transitional job and period for me.

    You see, I'm a novel writer damnit!


  13. Well, I am soon to be one. And I will demand that Oprah give a brother a chance in her book club.

  14. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I just joined Shelfari and I can definitely see how you can spend a lot of time on it.

  15. Well, now I know why I like hanging out with you in cyberspace, Gwyneth.

    Love the update to your Meez. She's so cute.

  16. Meez? Shelfari? Maybe I need to goof off a bit so I can keep up with the conversation! I never heard of either one of those.

  17. This is what I meant on my blog about sometimes being my own worst enemy! Last week, yes. This week, no way. I'm focused and I'm going to make my deadline.

  18. Tiffany ~ What is Free Cell and Mahong? Maybe I shouldn't ask. LOL. Next thing you know I'll be hooked on that too. I see you on Shelfari now! Yay! Don't say I didn't warn you. It is addictive!

    Tyhitia ~ Girl... I know... :-) I'm glad you do though. LOL.

    Don ~ I like that idea... transitional job! And if any brother could make Oprah give a brother a chance it'd be you. LOL.

    Kimber An ~ Knowing your fondness for Meez, I knew you'd understand!

    Bettye ~ You are one of the good girls who doesn't waste time. But I love you anyway! :-)

    Patricia ~ It has to be crunch time for me too. No more playing... for real... honest... I hope... :-)


  19. Oh yeah this post spoke to me...I can always find time to waste time...I'm such a proscratinator and have just learned to embrace it...:)

  20. Yasmin ~ Now there's an idea...embrace it... don't fight it... LOL. I might have to try that. It wouldn't help the work get done any quicker, but it would help with the guilt for sure.

