Monday, October 15, 2007

FYI: Wear Red on October 31, 2007 (Ending Violence Against Women of Color)

I found out about this via e-mail and thought I'd pass it on... See below:

Hello Sisters,

Recent events in the United States have moved us to action. Violence against women is sadly, not a new phenomenon in our country or in the world, however, in the last year women of color have experienced brutal forms of violence, torture, rape and injustice which have gone unnoticed, received little to no media coverage, or a limited community response. We are responding to:

The brutal and inhumane rape, torture, and kidnapping of Megan Williams in Logan , West Virginia who was held by six assailants for a month.
Rape survivors in the Dunbar Housing Projects in West Palm Beach , Florida one of whom was forced to perform sexual acts on her own child.
A 13 year old native American girl was beaten by two white women and has since been harassed by several men yelling “white power” outside of her home.
Seven black lesbian girls attempted to stop an attacker and were later charged with aggravated assault and are facing up to 11 year prison sentences.
In a Litany of Survival, Audre Lorde writes, “When we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak remembering we were never meant to survive.” These words shape our collective organizing to break the silence surrounding women of color’s stories of violence. We are asking for community groups, grass-root organizations, college campus students and groups, communities of faith, online communities, and individuals to join us in speaking out against violence against women of color. If we speak, we cannot be invisible.

Join us and stand up to violence against women by wearing Red on October 31, 2007.

I have attached two important documents detailing the "Be Red Be Bold Wear Red on October 31st Campaign."

Please send questions to

For updated information, please visit our website on Wearing Red on October 31, 2007.


  1. Thanks so much for the info! My last job was an Intake Coordinator for a women and children's homeless shelter...where I was up close and personal with victims of domestic violence. It's so horrible...

  2. Meaningful post, Gwyneth! Thanks for the heads up. Will comply.

  3. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Thanks for letting me know, I will definitely be wearing red on that day.

  4. I have done some volunteer work at shelters for abused and endangered women and the support is so needed. What is particularly painful is so many young girls are in this situation. I was astonished to discover the number of teenaged girls being hit by their boyfriends,,,I am in red on that day...

    Love and Blessings,

  5. Thanks, Gwyneth. I'm going to link to this on my blog.

  6. Gwyneth,
    Thanks for sharing. I will link to this as well!

  7. Once these women who are abused constantly pick up something that will turn these men clothing red ... well, you already know.

  8. Great everyone... When I got the e-mail I knew I'd be wearing red. But I decided to copy and paste the information here to share with you all. I'm glad I did!


  9. Anonymous5:12 PM

    This saddens me. I will wear red.

  10. Hi there this is my first time here, but I will return.

    Even though I am not in your area, I will be wearing red that day and will probably do a post about it as well. This is something that is very close to my own heart.

    I read your book If only you knew.

    I seen your name on Don's blog and had no Idea that you were the author. Wow, I am thrilled.

    I shall return.

  11. I love red! A few years back an Alaska Native woman was murdered and raped by a white man. He got a slap on the hand. This year, he murdered a white woman. The case hasn't gone to court yet.

    You know what would be great? A class for girls on how to avoid relationships with boys or men who will abuse them, as well as classes in self-defense.

  12. Gwyneth I am sorry if my comment offended you, or anyone else. But I truly believe that women have to return the favor to these men before the problem lessens.

  13. Cool, Shelia!

    Gurlnexxdoor, thanks for stopping through! I hope you drop back by!

    Kimber An, that class sounds like a wonderful idea. We certainly need to think about proactive measures for sure.

    Don, I wasn't offended. That is certainly one option...

