Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Is it just me....

Or did Amy Winehouse pull a swagger-jacking...

On Macy Gray?

When I first heard Amy Winehouse's hit song "Rehab," I thought "hey she's biting Macy Gray's entire style, the voice, everything." I mean Amy even stopped combing her hair. ;-) And they both have that "I'm so high right now" look. (Well, they might actually be kinda high...) But I wrote her off as a "beat biter, dope-style taker" to quote femcee MC Lyte. I pretty much dismissed Amy Winehouse and that annoying song "Rehab." I refused to like her because she wasn't original. Just a Vanilla Iced Macy Gray, in my opinion. And then I heard this song...

And, I'm a sucker for old Motown, especially anything that calls to mind Marvin and Tammi in their heyday. So shoot me, I like the song. And I would be cool with that, if the swagger-jacking wasn't so blantant and glaring. Check out Macy's first video...

And you can see why I'm torn... So I thought I'd bring it to you all. Is it just me or is Amy Winehouse a swagger-jacker? And I'm not even going to get into the wholesale ripe-off of R&B... Just the theft of Macy's swagger and style... For now, I think I'll just stick with the original... Sing... "Shoo Be Doo," Macy.... Sing...

Much love and peace,



  1. Anonymous12:47 AM

    I like Macy Gray's new CD. I've been meaning to write a review on it. The verdict is still out on how I feel about Amy Winehouse's music. She has a few songs that I like...hopefully, she'll get her personal life together and allow others to get to experience her gift.

  2. Shelia ~ I still have to get Macy Gray's new album. I have a three song rule that I try to follow since I've been burnt on a few CDs. But I like Macy.

  3. I'd never hear Amy until I watched this video. She's okay, but she can't touch Macy. Got to give Macy props on her new look -- fabulous!

  4. I am not feeling Amy Winehouse at all. I don't like her style, her look, her sound, nada!

    I can see the similarities you point out Gwyneth and that doesn't bode well for her, in my opinion.

  5. Chicki ~ I agree, she can't touch Macy, but she's trying to.

    Rageyone ~ I know. I was feeling the same way... but I do like that "Tears Dry On Their Own"...


  6. I just have one question . . . is it just my 50-year-old eyes playing tricks on me. In that first picture, is Macy Gray performing with a tray held up in front of chest and wearing nothing?

  7. Bettye ~ It does seem like she's either holding something up or sitting on a gold chair with the back of the chair facing the audience... So, it's not your eyes... :-)


  8. I'm not sure Amy is conscious enough to rip anybody off on purpose. I think she's just so stoned she can hardly stand up half the time.

    But if she did, shame on her.

  9. Can't say I'm a fan of Macy's but she's growing on me. Ann? Well, I'm feeling you on the Vanilla Ice thing. Except I thought Macy's video sounded much better. Maybe Ann'll find a way to distinguish herself from Macy.

  10. I like Macy, more as an actress (Lackawanna Blues) these days,,,she is funny and there is a song she does with Anthony Hamilton that I love...Amy is going to have to grow on me,,,


  11. I'm coming in to say I love Amy Whinehouse. It could be because I never liked Macy Gray. I did love her in Lackawanna Blues, though.

    Have to agree though she's not conscious enough to make herself sound that way. It's her band. They've been known to go back to the old Motown and Blues sound.

  12. Maybe it's just because I'm unfamiliar with these people, but I just don't get it.

  13. Ann ~ You're proabably right... ;-)

    Patricia ~ It could just be me... :-)

    Angelia ~ I liked Macy Gray in Lackawanna Blues too. I haven't heard the song with Anthony Hamilton. I like his voice though... it has a nice old-school feel to it.

    Hey Mel! Yeah, I'm thinking you and Ann might have it right. It might not be a conscious thing at all. And it could just be me...

    Kimber An ~ Sorry :-(


  14. I like Macy Gray's music a lot, but admit I haven't heard much of Amy's. I have heard about her problems recently, though, so maybe that does have something to do with it. Who knows in that business.

    Miss you Gwyn. Maybe I'll see you at a meeting soon;))

  15. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I do like Macy Gray and I have listened two of her songs but she would be okay if she would just her stuff together.

  16. I never did like Macy Gray, but I did like "Rehab" by Amy. I haven't bought any CD'S by either of them, although I was considering buying Amy's... Macy is annoying to me...

  17. Kari! I miss you too, girlfriend. I won't be at this month's meeting. But hopefully I'll see ya before the Christmas party. LOL.

    Tiffany ~ Yeah, thinking about it, I think Macy and Amy just have a lot in common in terms of the need to get their lives together...

    Tyhitia ~ :-)


  18. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Gwyneth, you're like me when it comes to CDs...I have to like at least 4 songs really before I buy them...I've gotten spoiled though because I do CD reviews and for me to actually spend my money on a CD, it has to be a good one.

  19. Shelia ~ You feel me! Okay! I might have to change to your four song rule. :-)


  20. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Oh, my! What pics! Haven't heard the song. I guess I'm going to have to. ;-)

    Paz (reading Cuffed and enjoying it)

  21. Hi Paz! Great to "see" you! :-) I love the novellas in Cuffed by Candlelight . I'm glad you're enjoying them. It was an honor to be in an anthology with such talented women as Katherine Jones and Beverly Jenkins.


  22. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Oh, my word! Gwyneth, you're right. Amy is a swagger jacker. I'm so hurt.

  23. LOVE LOVE LOVE Macy Gray. Kinda like the Rehab song; it's pretty catchy. But, yeah, she maybe a rip-off, tho, I don't mind too much.

  24. Hey, Patricia!

    Hey, Chesya!



  25. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I too can appreciate the sounds of Motown--particularly the romantic tunes of Mary Wells, The Temptations, and Stevie Wonder.

    As a male romance author, I love to listen to the sixties and seventies Motown music while writing soulful, sizzling contemporary romances.

    Devon Vaughn Archer

    CHRISTMAS HEAT (Kimani Romance, December 2007)

  26. Hi Devon,

    Thanks for stopping by! Yes, you can't beat old Motown tunes. :-)


  27. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I love both Amy and Macy but can't say I recognise any real similarities in their style (music or fashion!).

    Since Frank, Amy's been singing what she wants how she wants. I doubt visions of Macy ever entered her head.

    But I love them both.

  28. Thanks for stopping by, Dalia. Who's Frank?
