Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hot Links

My soror, Elle, has an interesting post on a recent development in the brutal rape and torture of the young black woman, Megan Williams, in West Virginia. All I can say is "makes me wanna holla and throw up both my hands..."

  • Violence Against Black Women

  • Elle also has lots of informative and provocative posts on her blog Elle Ph. D. Check her out. You won't regret it.

  • Elle Ph.D.

  • And, our friend the always smart and on-point Angelia has a wonderful post that provides a nice lesson for all of us who like to talk first and listen later...

  • Everything Doesn't Have to be Said

  • Be sure to check out her blog for other good lessons...

  • acVernon Menchan...Stuff

  • And Patricia W has another featured author. Today, she's featuring Janice Sims. And since we here at Gwyneth's Blog believe in bringing information about African American authors to your attention, here's the link:

  • Featured Authors Janice Sims

  • much love and peace,
