Saturday, September 08, 2007

Foxy Brown is going to jail... (Inga, Inga, Inga....)

Foxy Brown is going to jail for a year. How many ways can I tell these rap chicks that jail is not cute? And Foxy is going to jail behind some dumb stuff. Hitting someone with a cell phone? Just because Naomi Campbell got off with community service for doing that does not mean you can get away with it. I mean really do we have to talk to you like you’re a two year old, Foxy? Okay, here goes… “Foxy, no, no, no. Use your words, sweetie. No hitting.” And trust me you don’t want to be the chick in jail for hitting someone with a cell phone. I mean really, try looking tough in front of Big Wilma talking about, “Yeah, so then I threw my cellie at the chick and told her she must not know ‘bout me. I’m Foxy Brown, B!@#*!” Unh unh. Nope. Not gonna work. Oh well, may be you’ll be able to share a cell with Remy Ma… For now, I’ll just watch this old remix of Total's “No One Else” featuring Foxy Brown, Lil' Kim and Da Brat and remember the days before female rappers thought it was all the rage to go to jail. Who knew orange jail jumpsuits would become so chic…

much love and peace,



  1. Quote: "Okay, here goes… “Foxy, no, no, no. Use your words, sweetie. No hitting.”

    Gwyneth, you're crazy, girl!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Toooooo Funny,
    she should have been listening to ya...

    Love and Blessings...

  3. Hey Chicki! Hey Angelia! :-) Have a wonderful weekend ladies!


  4. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Oh, Gwyneth! Too funny. And, yep, someone should have told Foxy she's no Naomi Campbell. Nice try; you lose.

    Poor Foxy. I wonder if she'll get out of jail early due to over crowding? I bet she hopes so.

    Thanks for the smile, Gwyneth.

  5. Silly girl. Doesn't she know stunts like that are for kids?

  6. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I hate to see anyone go to jail for nonsense, but she put herself there because she had no respect for the law. If we all have to be law abiding citizens, then celebs aren't exempt.

  7. Big Wilma! I have a vision of an oversized, modern-day Wilma Flintsone. Orange braids (she bribed a guard for the hair dye) to match her orange jumpsuit. A scar on one cheek in the shape of a brontasaurus bone. A tattoo that reads "Fred Forever".

    You are too funny!

  8. Shelia ~ Yeah, it's sad to see a sistah go down for some dumb ish that could have been avoided... Hopefully she'll learn.

    Patricia ~ No you are funny. Your vision of Big Wilma is hilarious. "Fred Forever" LOLOLOL!


  9. It's just sad. Using fame and fortune for stupidity and chaos...

  10. Gwen, you are too funny. And I thought I was being rough on Kayne! LOL

  11. Tyhitia ~ It is sad indeed...

    Denise ~ LOL. I read your blog, girl you were much harder on Kanye. Hard but telling the truth... :-)


  12. Oh, dear, I hope the children aren't watching this example. Or, maybe they should see an example of what NOT to do?

  13. I don't understand these "entertainers" who would rather go to jail than be law abiding citizens enjoying the fruits of their labor(?) outside the pokey.

    Too bad she didn't have Paris and Nicole Ritchie's attorneys! She'd be in jail for an hour -- tops!

  14. Kimber An ~ yeah... one hope that the children won't follow in her footsteps...

    Too bad she didn't have Paris and Nicole Ritchie's attorneys! She'd be in jail for an hour -- tops!

    Michelle, girlfriend, you know that's right! :-)


  15. Gwyneth, you're a hoot. I just read about it and shook my head. They never learn.


  16. :-) Thanks, Bella!


  17. That was a hot vid. Lil Kim used to be so attractive. I don't know what messed her up more - the death of BIG or plastic surgery.

  18. Don,

    I know right! Lil' Kim was beautiful. The plastic surgery definitely messed her up big time. Makes you just want to tell the chile to back away from the knife... please...

