Thursday, July 26, 2007

Writer at Work

Honest, I haven't forgotten about my blog. But, I've been trying to get some more writing done before the end of the summer. I'll be cutting my post down to once a week or so until I get these novels done.

I'll be back. In the meantime isn't this a funny cartoon. LOL.

much love and peace,



  1. That cartoon is perfect, Gwyneth! Best of luck on your end-of-summer writing push!

  2. Well, you know what they say about writers being heavy drinkers . . . .


  3. Was wondering where you'd disappeared to... Snuff out the butt and back away from the bottle, girl. The genius will kick in!

  4. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Do you have a funny cartoon about reading?

  5. It is hilarious...I do most of my writing on fridays and I write really well under the influence of Delicato Cabernet...Handle your business...we understand, though we miss you...

    Love and Blessings...

  6. Thanks, Farrah. The words are flowing so it's cool. But do need to kick it up now that the summer will be gone soon. :-)

    Bettye ~ I hadn't heard that one. LOL. But come to think of it I remember hearing something about it... :-)

    Chicki ~ LOL.

    Tamika ~ Girl, I got a funny cartoon for you all right... I'll give it to you when you get back. :-)

    Angelia ~ Okay, wine for inspiration. :-)


  7. Thought about your blog this morning. I figured you were writing and otherwise engaged but I'm waiting to hear your take on the new BET shows, WE GOT TO DO BETTER(aka HOT GHETTO MESS), HELL DATE, and SOB (SOCIALLY OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOR).

    What are they thinking over there???

  8. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Gwyneth, I'm thinking of you and hoping your Muse will continue to be generous and kind. Best!

  9. something about the summer...

  10. Gwyneth, I saw your nice comment about buying my trilogy on kimber's blog! I just had to pop over to your blog to thank you "in person." :) And good luck with the writing/deadlines. I totally hear ya!

  11. Patricia W. ~ Girl, I haven't even taken a moment to look at those shows yet. I know I'm going to have to so that I can really talk about them. Maybe after I'm done with deadlines I'll have a moment to waste on them. Frankly, the fact that they gave D. L Hughley a show tells me how useless they are. I'm too through with him after what he said about the whole Imus/Rutgers situation.

    Patricia S ~ Thanks girl! She's being kind so far... I hope she continues. LOL.

    Elle ~ I know you feel me, girl...

    Susan ~ Your welcome... Now if I can only make your trilogy stop calling to me to pick them up while I'm supposed to be writing I'd be okay... Can't wait to read them!


  12. Hi was kind of quiet over here :) I need something to read when I'm lurking on the next at night procrastinating. lol

  13. Shelia ~ The procrastination has been my biggest problem. LOL.

