Monday, July 02, 2007

July Interview with Romance Author Patricia Sargeant

GB: Hi, Patricia! First let me say that I loved your novel You Belong to Me . And I’m so glad you could spare a moment to do an interview on my blog. My first question is how long have you been writing and when did you make the decision to pursue it as a career?

PS: Hi, Gwyneth! I loved your novel, Sweet Sensation. I’m Gonna Make You Love Me is on my to-be-read pile, and I’ve ordered If You Only Knew . You’re a fabulous writer, and it’s an honor to be interviewed by you. Thank you.

Regarding my writing, I can trace my desire to become a published author back to the age of nine. Way, way, way, way back. (smile) When I was nine years old, I read Black Hearts in Battersea by Jane Aiken. That story was like an amusement park ride. It picked me up and carried me away. When I finished the book, I hugged it to my chest and decided I wanted to write something that would give people the same feeling Jane Aiken’s book gave me. I started with essays and poems, and worked my way to short stories.

Like every author, my dream is to write full time. But right now, I have a day job. There’s a certain comfort and security that comes with the regular paycheck and the health-care coverage. (smile)

GB: Yes, a steady paycheck and health-care coverage is a comfort so I understand you on that. So, did you read a lot of romance novels before you started to write them? If so, do you think that helped you once you started writing them? If not, do you think that gives you a fresh approach to the genre?

PS: Yes, I did I read a lot of romance novels before I started writing them. I got hooked on romance when I was eleven years old. I credit my sister for that. She introduced me to Harlequin Romances.

I also read a lot of mysteries. I think that’s one of the reasons I include a suspense plot in my romances. I write what my husband refers to as “murder, death, kill.” That term is from the Demolition Man movie with Wesley Snipes. Have you seen it? Sorry, off topic.

It’s important to read within the genre you want to write for several reasons. It helps you keep up with your genre’s trends. For example, decades ago, romances were written only from the heroine’s perspective. Today, in addition to the heroine’s perspective, we have the hero’s and the villain’s. Heroines also are a lot more adventurous and independent today. They’re not searching for a man; they’re looking for personal growth. But, if they find a man along the way, they won’t necessarily toss him aside. (smile)

I also think it helps to read books outside of your genre. I think cross-genre reading adds another dimension to your writer’s voice. For example, Gwyneth, it’s obvious you enjoy poetry and hip-hop. I sense both in your voice, which adds another level to your stories.

GB: I have seen Demolition Man. And, I started reading romance novels by sneaking my mom’s Harlequins. That’s so cool that you started reading them when you were eleven.

I see that you recently placed third in the Reviewers International Organization Favorite Debut Novel Category. What went through your mind when you got the news? It must have been so fulfilling and invigorating to have your published first novel get an award. Please, tell us all about it.

PS: LOL! Gwyneth, I hope one day to receive as many awards for my work as you’ve already earned with your novels.

Thank you so much for asking about the RIO award. It was a thrilling and shocking experience. I didn’t know You Belong to Me was being considered for the award.

I got an e-mail with a link to the list of nominees from a friend late one night. She’s garnered a slew of awards and recognition for her books so I thought she was sharing another announcement with me. Imagine my surprise when I saw my name under the Romantic Suspense and Favorite Debut Novel categories.

And when I saw the authors I was nominated with … There are New York Times best-selling authors listed under the Romantic Suspense category. With me. Unbelieveable. I searched the Internet to see if it was some kind of hoax. Perhaps a computer virus sent under the name of someone in my e-mail address book. The next morning, I received an e-mail with the announcement from my agent. That’s when I knew it was real. And I thought, “Wow. It really is an honor just to be nominated.”

It was a great, great honor to receive that recognition. It’s a feeling I’ll never forget and an experience I’ll always treasure. But, quite candidly, kudos from readers are even more exciting to me. When someone says, “I enjoyed your book,” I just want to hug them really, really hard. I’ve kept some of those e-mails for days when I wonder what makes me think I can write a book.

GB: Your novel, You Belong to Me , has the perfect mix of romance and suspense. Often times as a reader I’ve found that authors have a hard time keeping that balance. What are your secrets to writing really good romantic suspense that has the right proportions? Come on… spill it. (smile)

PS: Gwyneth, thank you!!! What a wonderful compliment. Now I’m going to admit that I’m really not sure. (smile).

I try to write stories in which the suspense, romance and personal grown are actually entwined. Those are the stories I enjoy reading. Stories in which the external conflict the characters face forces them to deal with their internal conflict, and that internal conflict is connected to the romance.

For example, in You Belong to Me , Malcolm and Nicole divorced basically because he shut her out emotionally. His internal conflict is learning to let people in; learning to accept help. Malcolm wants Nicole back, but someone is trying to kill them. That’s the external conflict. Once he learns to accept help (internal conflict), not only will he be able to stop the killer (external conflict), but he’ll also reunite with Nicole (romance).

In my September 2007 release, On Fire , the hero has trust issues. But, if he wants to catch the arsonist/murderer – and earn the heroine’s love – he’s going to have to trust her.

GB: I’m assuming that you will continue to write wonderful romantic suspense. But in my research on you I came across an interesting kernel of information having to do with you and a mystery series. Can we hope to one day find a new detective, PI or amateur sleuth coming our way via your pen? Is mystery a genre that we can expect to see you in eventually?

PS: I truly hope so. My agent is shopping the proposal for my mystery series, which has romantic and paranormal elements. The series takes place on a fictitious Caribbean island. The hero is a city-born detective chief inspector and the heroine is a country-born nurse. The hero and heroine eventually fall in love. However, in the beginning, there are several things keeping them apart, including island customs city residents distance themselves from even as country residents continue to honor them.

This series is my way of paying tribute to my family and my culture. I was born on the island of Grenada in the West Indies. Research for this series gives me the opportunity to immerse myself more in Caribbean history, traditions and culture. For example, the first book explores the difference between the alternative religion of voodoo and its darker cousin, obeah. A lot of people don’t realize that, while voodoo is a healing practice, obeah is meant to harm. People lump the two together.

I can go on and on about this series. It’s really in my heart. I hope to hear something by the end of July/beginning of August. The waiting is killing me. (smile)

GB: The mystery series sounds wonderful! I hope it gets picked up. I love to read mystery novels. And the fact that it will explore Caribbean history and culture is great. We need more books that bring in other aspects of Blackness. I’ll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you on this one.

I also noticed that the heroine in You Belong to Me is a science fiction writer. And my sleuthing skills tell me that you are a member of the Futuristic, Fantasy and Paranormal chapter of Romance Writers of America. So you know I have to ask… Will you be writing some fantasy and science fiction in the near future?

PS: Gwyneth, you are good! I’ve written an epic fantasy – part of a trilogy that takes place in another galaxy and involves four alien races. The trilogy subtly deals with issues of race and religion. It includes space battles, political intrigue and, of course, romance. The hero is a warrior and the heroine is the spiritual leader of a pacifist planet.

This is another series that I really love. Right now, though, I’m focusing on my romantic suspense and mysteries, but I do intend to shop this trilogy in the future.

GB: Can’t wait for that trilogy also. It sounds great. I love to read these kinds of novels.

You belong to two blogging groups, the Pink Ladies and the Crime Sistahs. Can you tell us a little about what to expect from you on these two sites and maybe talk a little about what your experience has been like in the blogosphere?

PS: Wow, this is a fantastic question. The two sites, Pink Ladies and Crime Sistahs, have distinct personalities. Or perhaps they just bring out very different personalities in me.

The Pink Ladies blog launched in March 2007 and spotlights seven women who write in different romance subgenres. My posts on that blog tend to be more whimsical and personal. I’ve admitted to my addiction to entertainment news. I’ve shared secrets and even talked about who I would haunt if I were a ghost.

The Crime Sistahs blog was established by three mystery writers, Angela Henry, Pamela Samuels-Young and Gammy Singer. They’d already set the tone for the blog by the time I joined them in June. It’s a more serious tone than the one I use on the Pink Ladies blog. The Crime Sistahs’s focus is more on the publishing industry, mystery novels, current news and social issues. For example, I’ve discussed the perception of African Americans in popular media and the trend of mystery and suspense heroes and heroines.

I hope that blogging with both groups will help me connect with romance readers and mystery readers.

I’ve only been blogging for about three months. I don’t know if it will allow me to connect with readers the way I’d like to. My hope is that blogging will allow me to interact with readers more easily than I can with events like signings and conferences. The ideal is meeting readers in person, but that’s not always possible.

For example, at the end of June, I attended three signings in two states all during one day. Although I enjoyed chatting with the other authors, talking with readers who stopped by and meeting the book sellers, the majority of the day was spent on the road. In comparison, a good day on the Internet, I could spend one hour exchanging blog comments with perhaps ten readers.

I want the opportunity to meet readers, whether they read my books or someone else’s. And for those who do read my books, I want the opportunity to say thank you. I know people work hard for their money, and they have a lot of demands on their time. For someone to spend their hard-earned money and precious time on my books means a lot to me. I hope they consider both well spent.

GB: So what can you tell us about your second forthcoming novel, On Fire ? I love the title. It sounds like a hot one. Details… details…

PS: LOL! I want there to be honesty in our relationship, Gwyneth, so I’ll admit up front that On Fire isn’t quite as hot as the title and cover may lead readers to believe. I’m truly sorry about that.

On Fire is a romantic suspense, of course (smile). The hero is a fire investigator and the heroine is a newspaper reporter. These two start out as adversaries but become allies when they realize the string of arsons they’re investigating is connected to a series of murders.

On Fire was the first single-title novel I completed back in the early 1990s. I learned a lot writing that story, including the importance of three-dimensional characters and larger-than-life emotional conflicts. Originally, the heroine’s conflict was whether to focus on her career or try to balance her profession with marriage and children. For a romantic suspense, that kind of conflict wasn’t going to cut it. But, when I gave her a different kind of hero, a hero with a lot of baggage and trust issues, she owned the page.

Come to think of it, I had a similar experience with You Belong to Me . At first, the conflict between Malcolm and Nicole was going to be poor communication. But Nicole really came to life once I made Malcolm emotionally distant. I guess my subconscious subscribes to that old saying, “Behind every great man is a woman.” (smile)

GB: What are you reading right now? Any good reads you want to offer?

PS: Well, I’ve recently finished reading Sweet Sensation . Lip-smacking good! Thank you, Gwyneth, for hours of enjoyment. I’m enjoying Angela Henry’s Tangled Roots, which is the second installment of Angela’s Kendra Clayton mystery series. I also can heartily recommend her first Kendra Clayton mystery, The Company You Keep.

GB: Ohhh… Your welcome, Patricia. Since your book gave me hours of enjoyment, I’m glad Sweet Sensation could return the favor. (smile) And I have two of Angela Henry’s books on my to-be-read pile. I can’t wait to dig in.

What are you working on right now? Can you give us a sneak peek, please?

PS: I’d love to give you a sneak peek. Thank you for asking.

On Fire is actually the first book in my “Fire Trilogy.” I’m working on the proposal for the other two books. The political intrigue continues in Through the Fire , which brings back the heroine’s friends, Allyson and Andre. It also introduces the third couple, who complete the trilogy in Fire and Ice . Of course, Through the Fire and Fire and Ice are working titles. I really hope the publisher keeps them.

GB: I hope the publisher keeps them too. I love connecting books! And I adore the titles that you have come up with. I hope you get to keep them.

So, Is there any advice you’d like to offer to aspiring writers?

PS: I have a few thoughts I’d like to share, please.

First, if your dream truly is to become a published author, never give up, never surrender that dream. No matter how long it takes. It took me fifteen years.

Second, remember that writing is not only an art; it’s also a business. If you want to succeed, you have to study both the art and the business of writing. Research the pros and cons of contractual terms so that you know how to handle those issues when you’re offered a contract. Even if you have an agent, you need to understand your contract. You are ultimately responsible for you. It’s your signature on the dotted line.

And, third, the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask. In this business, the question you don’t ask can negatively impact you for years.

GB: How can readers best reach you?

PS: Readers are always welcome to visit me on the Pink Ladies Blog,; the Crime Sistahs Blog,; or via e-mail at

Gwyneth, thank you so much for this interview. I had a great time answering your wonderful questions. Very best wishes for continued writing success!


  1. Great interview, Gwyneth!

    Patricia, your books sound intriguing. I love that you write Romantic Suspense and also Science Fiction/Fantasy type stuff. I've added you to my list!

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Gwyneth, thank you again so very much for interviewing me. It was an honor.

    Kimber An! Thank you so much for the compliment and for adding me to your list. I hope my science fiction/fantasy series gets picked up soon. I really love those stories. Best!

  3. Excellent interview! Patricia, I finally have YOU BELONG TO ME on order. I can't wait to read it. And ON FIRE looks wonderful!

    I'm also intrigued by the Voodoo aspect of the mystery series you're working on. I've attempted to write a Voodoo priestess as the secondary heroine in my next novel, but focusing on the real history of voodoo and not the Hollywood take on it. You'll be able to tell me if I've done it correctly. :)

    Great job with the interview, Gwyneth!

  4. Kimber An ~ Thanks for stopping by and thanks for linking to the interview. You rock! :-)

    Patricia ~ Thanks for granting me the interview. I hope you like the way it turned out. I just figured out how to do "bold" and "italics" on my blog... I know a day late and a dollar short... :-)

    Farrah ~ Thanks for stopping by. Now I really can't wait to read your next novel. I'm glad you're using the actual history and moving away from the Hollywood sterotypes. Sounds wonderful...


  5. Excellent interview. I'll be on the lookout for the books.

  6. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I have to agree that was a great interview and I will definitely make sure that I check out You Belong To Me and the On Fire series.

  7. Thanks Gwyneth,
    another book to purchase...thanks Sis...Great Interview

    I havent visited pinkladies for awhile but I will again soon...

    Love and Blessings

  8. Great interview, ladies!


  9. Sorry, Blogger jumped the gun on me!

    Wow, Patricia, I've learned so much about you! And here I thought I knew it all...

    Ann ;)

  10. Thanks, Ann(ie)!

    Hi Tiffany! Thanks for stopping by. You should definitely check out Patricia's books.

    Hey Angelia! You're next. :-)

    Hi Ann! Thanks for stopping by. :-)


  11. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Farrah! So wonderful to catch up with you again. Yes, please do move away - move far, far away - from the Hollywood portrayal of voodoo priestesses. It's such a travesty. I'm very much looking forward to reading your next story. Best wishes for continued success!

    Gwyneth, I love the way the interview turned out. You have a talent for this. We need to get you your own talk show. Watch out, Oprah! :)

    Ann Aguirre, thank you very much for the compliment on the interview and for your interest in my work. I appreciate both.

    Hi, Tiffany. It's great to "see" you again. Thanks tons for the kind words on the interview and for your interest in the books.

    Angelia! Where have you been? It's lonely over at the Pink Ladies without you. :) Thank you so much for reading the interview. I'm so glad you stopped by.

    Ann!!! How are you? Thank you very much for the kind words on the interview. Poor Gwyneth! I think she's discovered what you've known for a while, Ann. Once you get me started, it's hard to shut me up. LOL! See you in a week! :)

  12. Great interview, Gwyneth! Hi Patricia! Can't wait to read your books! :*)

  13. Great interview! Didn't know you were a semi-pro sleuth, Gwyneth! You do a really good job of digging for material leading to questions others may not ask.

    Patricia, enjoyed hearing about your proposals and wips. Both the Caribbean series and the Fire trilogy sound intriguing.

    BTW, I like your posts on Pink Ladies, and thanks for introducing me to that blog. It's only my daily read list now.

    I finally ordered YOU BELONG TO ME so I'll be reading it soon and look forward to the enjoyment that others have had with it.

  14. Tyhitia ~ Thanks for stopping by. You should definitely check out Patricia's books.

    PatriciaW ~ Thanks... I like that way of looking at it. I'm a "semi-pro sleuth" not just too nosey for my own good. LOL. I like your way better. I have fun thinking up questions for the interviews because I want each one to be a little different and really specific to the author. That's why I only have time for one a month. I wish I could do more. They are fun.


  15. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Hi, Tyhitia! Thank you so much for your kind words and your interest in my work. I really appreciate it.

    Hi, Patricia W. It's always a pleasure to see you over at the Pink Ladies Blog. Thanks also for ordering You Belong to Me. I hope you enjoy Malcolm and Nicole's story.

  16. I'm a bit late, reading this. Great indepth interview. Will be adding Patricia's latest to my shopping cart at Amazon!

  17. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Kimberly Kaye, thank you for stopping by and thank you very much for your interest in my work. I hope you enjoy the read. Best!

  18. Gwyneth, this is a great you mind if I link it on my website...send me a short two sentence bio to go along with it at sheliagoss at aol dot com if I have your permission.

  19. Anonymous3:45 PM

    There seems to be sooo many sub-genre's that I don't know what my genre is.

    It's true that some romance writers have a difficult time balancing it with mystery.

    Again, Gwyneth did an excellent job interviewing you, Patricia. I've got my good eye on you both.

    Minnie E Miller

  20. Kimberly ~ Thanks and thanks for stopping by. :-)

    Shelia ~ Thanks so much. I'd be honored if you linked to the interview. I appreciate it. Much love!

    Minnie ~ Great to 'see' you. :-) Thanks for stopping by.



  21. As usual Gwyneth -- this is a great interview. Patricia, congrats on the RIO award and continued success to you!!!!

  22. Hey Michelle! Thanks for checking out the interview.

    much love!


  23. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Ladies, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to stop back.

    Sheila, linking the interview to your blog is a great compliment to the interview Gwyneth did. :)

    Minnie, thank you so much for stopping by. There are a lot of subgenres in fiction. Your "The Seduction of Mr. Bradley" sounds wonderful.

    Michelle, thank you very much for your cheers. Best wishes to you as well.
