Monday, June 25, 2007

First You Have To Start Writing Your Novel... And Then You Have To Finish It...

The one question that I've been asked a lot since I became a published author is a variation of the age old, "how did you finish a novel" question. The question takes different forms. But mostly the person asking it wants to know how I did it. After talking to them I realize that some people actually mean the question literally. They have a book that they just can’t finish. They have several manuscripts started but none completed. They have an idea for a great story that they just need someone to help them write. (Yes, I have had several people approach me with this great story idea that they want me to write for them. Seriously...)

I'm Blogging In Black today! You can read the rest of this post over there. Go on over and check it out along with all the other wonderful and informative post over there. Check out my post here:

  • Blogging in Black

  • much love and peace,



    1. I just read this over on Blogging in Black, but whenever I go to leave a comment it asks me to log in????

      Great advice, Gwyneth. In fact, I'm going to send an e-mail to my former writers group telling them to read it today!

      Have a prosperous and peaceful day.

    2. Hi Chicki! Thanks. Yes, you have to log in now at Blogging in Black. But it's pretty easy to set up the account. The site was getting a lot of spam and bogus responses, so they had to make folks log in to help cut some of that out.


    3. Hey Gwyn! I was glad to hear from you.

    4. Anonymous12:42 PM


      I will head over to Blogging in Black and check out your blog.


    5. Great advice and great post, Gwyneth! It's all about hard work. Some people who are not serious about writing give up to soon! It's about perseverance! :*)

    6. Elle ~ :-)

      Tiffany ~ Thanks!

      Tyhitia ~ That is so true. Perseverance is crucial!


    7. Gwyneth, sorry but I had to tag ya. Details are on my blog! :*)

    8. Oops, sorry, Tyhitia, but you can't tag me for the Eight things... meme. I was tagged already and did it. You even commented. You're too late... dot dot, I've had my cootie shots. I'm immune to this meme now. Find some other sucker.... [insert evil laugh here]

      :-) and a big ole grin...


    9. Oh no you didn't. Then you had to mention that I commented. I'll have to call you later... :P```

    10. Great advice, Gwyneth! You know I've been struggling with this one recently, and I've learned that "Butt in Chair" is the foundation, the cornerstone so to speak. Everything else gets added unto it.

    11. Tyhitia ~ Brahaha!

      Patricia ~ Girl, I struggle with it myself. I'm struggling now... :-)


    12. Anonymous10:37 PM

      Great advice. So true. I have to practice it more often. Starting today, I WILL! ;-)


    13. Paz ~ Thanks! Me too! :-)


    14. I think most people are generally curious about a writer's work habits. Those who have started a novel and have been working on it for 10+ years are maybe afraid of not getting it just right. I know I was that way for about 5 years. Sometimes the fear of rejection can cripple you. Great post!

    15. Good point, Nancy! :-)

