Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tagged Again... Here's Eight Things About Me You Could Probably Care Less About...

So, I’ve been tagged twice, same tag, two different taggers. Patricia Woodside and Samara King (formally Anisa Damien) have tagged me. I’ll get them both back one day! [insert evil laugh here]

Anyway, here are the rules:

1. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves
2. People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules
3. At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

And here are 8 random facts/habits about me:

1. Right now, I’m torn between two Peters. I can’t decide which Peter I 'puffy heart love' the most, Peter Petrelli from my favorite show HEROES, or Peter Parker the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Honestly, I’m leaning more towards Peter Petrelli because he is so-oo cute and he grows more and more powerful each episode. But then... I kinda like the fact that Spiderman is the people’s hero, a working class guy who came into powers and still remains humble. Not like that Superman who comes from intergalactic royalty, or that Batman who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth... But, I don’t know… decisions, decisions….

2. In case you haven’t figured out from number one, I have this nerdy thing for Super Heroes. I don’t know when it really started. Could have been when I watched the JUSTICE LEAGUE every Saturday morning… ‘Wonder Twin Powers activate!’ Or maybe it was growing up in the seventies and eighties and all those Superman movies. Or watching Batman and Robin reruns after school. BOP! POW! BAM! BOOM! I can’t really pinpoint when my obsession with super powers began. But I do know that I was in the theatres Friday with the rest of the herds making SPIDERMAN the highest grossing film in history. And I loved every minute of it.

3. I’m the oldest of five girls. My sister has two daughters. I'm thinking that when I have kids, I'll be the one to have boys. But I really want a girl. I don't think I'd know what to do with a boy baby.

4. My favorite foods are mac and cheese and pizza. But at around 28-years-old I developed lactose intolerance. How cruel is that?

5. I’m a little bit hardheaded. The quickest way to get me to do something is to tell me not to do it. I don’t like rules.

6. I’m a bit of a nerd. My husband pointed this out to me when I was singing the theme song to VERONICA MARS. “We used to be friends, a long time ago, but I haven’t talked to you lately…” I think it was when I started breaking down the musical interlude with my mouth and playing my fake guitar that he realized his wife was a big ole nerd…

7. I’m a princess without a country and I have one loyal subject (Hi, Hubby). Who knew a girl who grew up in the hood could be so spoiled and want her way all the time? How ever does my husband put up with me?

8. I’m not tagging anyone else. See number 5. I don’t like to follow rules. Tee hee hee.

much love and peace,



  1. Hey Gwen....I don't know which Peter I love the most either. Peter from Hero's is soooo cute....and when they went to the future and he had that scar on his face...he looked so dangerous and sexy. Phew! But I do love me some Spidey...that movie was awesome!

  2. Lyric! I know! I liked Peter Petrelli all along. But when they showed five years in the future and I saw him fighting with that scar and he was oh-so-bad-but-oh-so-good! Heavens. Have. Mercy. And Spiderman 3 rocked! I'm torn... Glad I'm not the only one. :-)

  3. Good morning, Gwyneth! Boys are easy. Just remember to stay out of the line of fire when you change their diapers.

  4. Gwen,
    Interesting stuff. I'm not torn at all. Peter Petrelli, hands down. We have a posthumous winner! Heroes is one of my favorite shows, next to Supernatural; Sam and Dean are da bomb!

  5. Gwyn, I've become a super hero junkie too, courtesy of my hubby and three sons. Even the two-year-old knows all the names, even if he can't say them clearly.

    A nerdy, pizza-loving, princess? Why not?

    Thanks for playing along.

  6. Kimber An ~ LOL. Yes, I've seen what can happen when you don't get out of that line of fire with a little boy baby.

    Tyhitia ~ HEROES is my favorite show hands down. Unless they kill Peter off. If they do that, I will be very pissed off...

    Patricia ~ Okay, I'm taking that description, a nerdy pizza loving princess... LOL


  7. I feel you on the princess thing. I always tell my husband that deep down inside I was born to be royalty. This is probably why I cry every time I watch "Maid in Manhattan" when J-Lo is on her way to the "ball" and her friend tells her, "This is who you really are." Breaks me up every time!

    Amen on the pizza too, but I'm not lactose intolerant -- just too fat to eat the stuff!

  8. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Gwyneth, loved your list. I'm a superhero nerd, too. Super Friends, Justice League, Justice League Unltd., Teen Titans. I had to give up Smallville, though. I was watching way too much TV. And I'm afraid to watch Heroes because of my addictive personality. :)

  9. Chicki ~ I know! I'm telling you, somebody made a mistake somewhere. I swear I'm missing my crown, thrown and small providence to rule. :-) I'd be a nice and fair queen too... honestly, I would... LOL.

    Patricia ~ Another super hero nerd! YAY! Way cool! And I hear you on the TV addiction thing. I've gotten to the point where I'm almost afraid to watch a new show because I know if it's good I'll be hooked.


  10. I love the show Heroes.

    I'm a big Smallville Fan and I fell in love with the new Superman.

    I love a man who can fly.

  11. LaShaunda ~ The new Superman is a cutie. :-) I watch Smallville every now and then, but I'm not hooked... yet... :-) You're right, there is something appealing about a man who can fly. ;-) LOL.

