Thursday, May 03, 2007

I don't know why...

But the Two A-holes crack me up... And, at the end of the semester with a stack of papers to grade, I need to laugh.

You look like a rabbit... :-)



  1. I can't watch. I'm afraid I'll spew coffee all over my computer screen. Good to know you're hanging in there though!

  2. i swear i had a similar girl in the class i TA'ed for this spring

  3. Elle ~ LOLOLOL. I think that's why they are so funny to me. They remind me of some students I've had in the past. ;-)

  4. Oh man that's funny. Hang in there, Gwen. I wouldn't want to be grading papers right now. Ugh. But just think, it will be over soon.

  5. I hadn't seen a good bit from SNL in a long time. That was a pretty good bit.

    Unfortunately, I know a couple of people who act like that

  6. Kari ~ Thanks! I'm almost done with grading ... almost...

    Sylvia ~ I'm with you on that. SNL has gone down and I don't know why I still tune in. But I have to say, when they started doing the Two A-Holes, I found them funny... Possibly because I know some people like that too.

