Monday, April 16, 2007

"Side Step"

Side Step

I remember being eleven and doing steps in front
of the four-story tenement we called home
sophisticated lady—you know that’s me
spelling Mississippi
and saying ooo-chie-wally-wally
long before nas and the bravehearts made it a hook
I remember older black women looking at us
and shaking their heads as we battled the girls around the corner
to see who could pop that coochie and twist like this
I remember pumping with all my might
and not really knowing what I was pumping
but most of all
I remember what it felt like to be with my girls
as we each took our turn in the circle
giving off more attitude than anyone under fifteen had a right to
and knowing that we were the baddest girls out there
because we deemed it so
we said things little girls shouldn’t even know
but when I remember how we were when outside
and what it was like to be one with them
and how later we’d jump double-dutch
or skate around the block
I think of how innocent we all were even as we chanted
“my man made me do it, he really, really, really . . . got on down”
slapping our hands and stomping our feet in unison
we must have felt invincible
and all of our steps occurred in the dawn
before we learned that black women’s sexuality
should be concealed
lest it be used against her in the court of public opinion
itself steeped in legacies and histories of lies
when I remember what it felt like to be so free
from cloaked and hidden sexualities
it amazes me that girlhood games gave it to me
and I hold on to it now as I smile at kim, foxy, trina, and khai
maybe they took the side step and remembered what we all forgot
I wonder if I can reclaim some of that innocent
yet brazen and brave little black girl back


  1. gwyn, may i please, please, please post this at my place? this is so wonderful!

  2. Elle,

    Sure. Wow. I'd be honored. Thank you.


  3. Wow, amazing stuff, Gwyn.

  4. that was really had me in there thinking about those days of old vs these days of new; with the ice-cream cake and candy game and playing jaxs on my step since I couldn't jump and was KINDA double handed... LOL. So wonderfully detailed and eloquently written...thank you for the display of talent and the memories.

  5. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I love your poetry, girl! Keep it coming.


  6. Thanks, Kimber An!

    Justmewriting ~ Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for your comments. I'm glad the poem provided a trip down memory lane for you. I'm laughing at your comment about jumping rope, because I always tried really hard, but I wasn't all that great at it. I think I always made it to "Hooky player one two, three, four jump one two, three four..." And then I was out. I got lots of practice turning that rope though. :-)

    Delilah! Thanks girlfriend!

    much love and peace,


  7. It's great! Came from Elle ABD, did not know this blog, glad I do now.

  8. Anonymous6:11 PM


    I have to agree I love your poetry. Your poem did bring back some great memories.


  9. Thanks for stopping by, Professor Zero!

    Thank you, Tiffany! I appreciate it! :-)


  10. Gwyneth;
    I am serious - You need to publish a book of this stuff.

    It is awesome. :0)

  11. Ooh girl, the words flow beautifully. Seriously, you need to compile these and publish a book of poetry.
    You yanked me back to the days of jumping ropes, rocking non-existant hips, and belly-dancing, which I sucked at, and not caring. Yeah, those were the days.


  12. Ohhhhhhhhhh, you took me back even further to my day, but dang I love your day...Gwyneth B. you are a Goddess...your words make us remember why I refuse to be one of the older Black Women going tsk, tsk, tsk, what I tell my girls is honor yourself, handle your business, protect yourself, your neck and your body, you feel me...but dont allow the world to define you, because you can be smart, funny, righteous and as sexy as you wanna, gonna be...

    Love and Blessings...

  13. Gwyneth, you really should consider a book of poetry. To complement your hip-hop romance writing. I can see it.

    I don't read a lot of poetry but I like yours. Makes me feel. Makes me remember when.

  14. Amazing is the word I thought when I first read it, then I saw it had been used . . . multiple times!

  15. Lady Bronco ~ Thanks so much. You all are too kind. But Like I said poetry comes in spurts for me so by the time I have enough for a book I'll probably be too old to even remember what I was talking about. LOL.

    Bella ~ "rocking non-existant hips" Okay! LOL. I'm telling you girlfriend those were the days. Shaking my "booty" with no real "booty" to speak of. LOL.

    Angelia ~ Amen! With dynamic women like you working with them, those young ladies are bound to go far!

    Patricia ~ Thanks, girlfriend. I'm just so glad that sistas read it and remembered... That's all I wanted. :-)

    much love and peace,


  16. Monica ~ Thanks sis! I appreciate it. :-)


  17. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Amazing, Gwyneth! Beautiful work. And you make it seem so easy, when I know it's not.

  18. Rageyone ~ Thanks!

    Francis I. Holland ~ Thanks for stopping by. I'll be sure to stop by your blog and check out the information.

    Patricia ~ :-) You're so nice. Thanks, girlfriend!

