Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Attention! Attention?

I'm Blogging in Black today. Here's a snippet of what I said....

Attention! Attention?

My alter ego had the opportunity on Tuesday to be on MSNBC. With all the hoopla surrounding the Don Imus situation and Russell Simmons’s recent request that the n-word, b-word and h-words all be bleeped out consistently by the music industry, it seems that the media wants to talk to the Women’s Studies professor who wrote a book on women, hip-hop, feminism and the public sphere. I’ll be doing a radio interview later on today. And although it was set up far in advance of all the hoopla, I’ll be giving a lecture at a Wisconsin university later this week. For the most part, I’m used to giving lectures. I’m also pretty used to giving interviews to newspapers, magazines and even radio shows. The television spot however, had me nervous the entire morning and it made me think about how much I really hate attention.

I’m pretty certain that I’m not the only writer who would much rather let her words speak for her and could do without being in front of the camera. Even though people give me the serious side-eye when I say I’m shy, I am. I’m not painfully shy by any means. I can talk in front of people. And I can even be funny and witty and… well you get the idea… But if given a choice to either be the center of attention or play the background and coast the sidelines, I would more than likely choose the sidelines. I just don’t like attention...

You can read the rest over at Blogging in Black. Please stop by and check it out. Also check out all the other wonderful posts. Lots of excellent writers are offering wonderful pearls of wisdom over there.

  • Blogging in Black

  • See ya over there...



    1. How cool, I understand about the speaking thing, though I am a bit schizo about it. If it's about my girls, I will stand and talk all day, but about my work, then I am a bit shy...I was forced on stage since first grade, that's what happens when most of your teachers are family or friends of family...but I thank them, I think

      Love and Blessings

    2. Very cool. I get so nervous when I have to speak. Everyone says I act so natural, but inside, I'm dying. Good luck.

    3. Read your entry over on Blogging in Black this morning.

      I went to see Eric Jerome Dickey this weekend, and was amazed at how comfortable he is speaking to crowds. He's a natural, but I don't think most writers are as outgoing as Dickey. Interviews and public speaking are things we'll have to learn to handle. Toastmaster anyone?

    4. Very Cool, Gwyneth. I'm with you on the shyness. I don't like to be on the spot. I can function, but I don't like it. Have fun with it if you can!

    5. Angelia,

      I know what you mean. Usually if it's a topic or something I'm passionate about, I can go on and on. But if it's about me I clam up. And knowing that the camera was filming me was just too weird. I know I must have sounded like an idiot. LOL.

      I can't believe you were forced on stage in the first grade... Poor baby! I'm sure it was all worth it now... :-)

      Thanks for commenting!

      much love and peace,


    6. Kari ~ I've seen you speak in public. You're a pro at it! I can't tell you're dying inside at all. :-)


    7. Chicki ~ I can usually do the same thing when forced and I can even make it look like I'm cool with it. But it takes a lot out of me. I guess that's where that introverted/extrovert thing comes in handy. I love people. But for the most part, I like to watch people and see how they interact and then write about it. But when forced, I can ham it up... I just need to take a nap afterward. Oh and it helps if I can pretend that it's really not me that people are looking at... LOL.


    8. Kimber An ~ I'm going to try. We'll see...

    9. I'm sure the interview was great. I posted on the blogging site -- so I won't retread my comments here..but suffice it to say...I agree an author can't be shy when it comes to promoting their work. Something I'm learning...

    10. Hey Michelle! I just sent you the questions for your May interview. I sent them to the e-mail I had for you that I've used in the past. Can't wait to see your answers. :-)


    11. Gwen, congrats! Can't wait to see the interview. When will it be airing? I'm now going over to Blogging in Black; which I usually peruse anyway!:*)

    12. Gwyn: I'm sure you were WONDERFUL. TV is no different than lecturing a hall full of students . . . except the crowd is usually smaller. And you're a natural, anyway.

    13. Tyhitia ~ Thanks! It was a really short interview barely five minutes and it ared right when they taped it 2:25 on Tuesday. I don't know if they repeated it at all.

      Miz M ~ Thanks. But I still kept wondering exactly how many pounds the camera adds... LOL.


    14. That is way cool, girl! Congrats. You're hitting big time. Be sure to plug your books. ;-)

    15. KD KIng! I've missed you girlie! We have to talk soon. I want to hear all about the new gig.

      Sharon, girlfriend, the interview was so quick, if they hadn't mentioned my nonfiction book when they did the intro I wouldn't have even gotten that title in. I at least wanted to mention the nonfiction anthology that just came out... But the time went by too quickly. I probably wouldn't have mentioned the romance though since it would have been way off topic.

