Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Interview with Shelia Goss

GB: Hi Shelia! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and doing an interview. What drew you to the romance genre? Were you a reader of romance novels before you started to write them?

SG: I've been reading romance novels since high school. My aunt was an avid reader of the Harlequin romances and she was the person who introduced me to my first romance novels written by AA authors. Between the both of us, we have a nice romance book collection.

GB: Hmmm... I'd like to see that collection... So, I noticed that you have some experience with self-publishing. What was that like? What are the significant differences between taking the self-publishing route and going with a publisher? Would you consider self-publishing again in the future?

SG: I learned a lot about publishing during the time I was self-published. Publishing is definitely a business no matter if you're self-published or with a major. There are several differences between the two. As a self-publisher, you're responsible for everything and I do mean everything. As an author with a publisher, you primarily concentrate on writing and marketing your book and your publisher takes care of the rest. To answer your last question, I really can't answer it; but for right now, being with a publisher works for me.

GB: You are an Essence Magazine and Black Expressions Book Club Bestselling author. Congratulations on those amazing achievements. You know that me and just about everyone else who reads this blog want to know how you did it. Any secrets of bestselling success you want to share?

SG: I wish there was a magic formula, but there isn't. I look at those achievements as blessings from God. I can't help but give God the praise, because I've had a limited marketing budget. Fortunately for me, the word about my books spread because of the readers.

GB: There is nothing like good old word of mouth! If you can start a buzz about your work you are on your way. Kudos to you for writing a book that folks couldn't stop talking about! Anyway, I noticed that you have a journalism background and have interviewed some pretty high-profile folk in the entertainment industry. Besides hoping that you won't laugh too hard at my little amateur interview techniques… I'd like to hear more about how you feel your training as a journalist enhanced your fiction writing?

SG: A little about my history. Although I originally wanted to be a journalist, I went to college and got my engineering degree. I worked in corporate America for the majority of my adult life. Up until my dad's death, writing was a past-time. After he died, I decided that life was too short not to do what I wanted to do, so I decided to pursue it as a career. Between the workshops and courses, I stepped out on faith and pursued a career in writing. To me, non-fiction and fiction writing, although different are the same. With each, you are required to write a story. The only difference is one is true and the other is a figment of your imagination.

GB: See... if I wasn't an amateur interviewer, I would have known that you had a background in Engineering and not Journalism. LOL. So... anyway... I really enjoyed MY INVISIBLE HUSBAND. I think the concept was original. And I really have to give you kudos for the way you worked it, girl. One thing I noticed is that, while it was definitely a romance novel, you played with the plot and upped the drama in a way that made it stand out from the typical romance novel. Without giving too much away, can you talk a little bit about why you wrote the novel the way you did?

SG: I'm an avid reader so I wrote the type of book that I like to read. I wanted to place a comical spin on a somewhat annoying question asked to singles, "So when are you getting married?" Once I came up with the theme for the novel, I knew the number one question would be, how does the main character (Nicolette Montana) pull off a fake marriage? That's when the fun began. The characters made it easy to come up with the twists and turns because each had their own personality and had something to contribute to the story.

GB: I haven't had a chance to read your latest release, ROSES ARE THORNS, VIOLETS ARE TRUE. But it's definitely on my to-be-read pile. Can you tell us a little bit about it? Just enough to tease us and make those of us who haven't purchased it yet run out and buy it.

SG: Its sibling rivalry at its best. Rose Purdue is a movie star and feels the world is at her anchor. Her fans adore her, but her twin sister Violet knows that thorns are beneath all the glamour. Rose puts on her best performance as she attempts to redeem her reputation with the public after Violet gives a tell-all interview to the media. There's plenty of drama between the pages.

GB: What's next on the horizon for you? Tell us a little bit about your upcoming projects and give us a sneak peek at some of the things you have in the works.

SG: My next book is about an event planner, Paige C. Webb, who is an expert at organizing her clients events, but when it comes to the affairs of the heart--that's another story. At this point I don't know what the title will be, but it should either be out in the fall of this year or the beginning of next year. Paige also has an issue with commitment. I wanted to show that men aren't the only ones afraid of committing. The story is a romance and has comical scenes. I can't wait for it to be released. As soon as I get a confirmation on the title, I'll be sending out more information about it.

Besides writing romance, I'm also writing in another genre and have a few things in the works; however right now I'm not able to go into details. I've contributed to a few anthologies, so just waiting to hear back about those. If any of your readers are looking for other contributors, feel free to contact me (smile).

GB: What are you reading right now?

SG: I just finished reading THE PERFECT SHOE by Kimberly Matthews and PERFECT FOR YOU by Sylvia Lett. Up next is POSTCARDS FROM LAST SUMMER by Roz Bailey and IRRESISTIBLE YOU by Francis Ray.

GB: Do you have any advice for aspiring writers about the publishing business?

SG: Develop a thick skin. Let rejection fuel your desire to succeed and last but not least, write. Write when you feel like it; write when you don't.

GB: How can readers best contact you?

SG: Readers can contact me via my website or

Thanks Gwyneth. I appreciate you interviewing me for your blog.

Anytime, Shelia! Thanks for stopping by!

Well, that's all folks! Be sure to check out the authors coming in the following months:

May – Michelle Buckley

June – Delilah Dawson

July - Patricia Sargeant

August – Acvernon Menchan


  1. Good morning! I popped into Gwyneth's blog and was surprised to see...
    "Sheila Goss! Sheila Goss! I have her book listed on my website! I love her book!" So, I popped over to my website to learn that...I don't. I mean, I don't have them listed. Come to find out Sheila's book is on my 'Still-trying-to-track-down' list. Now, I'm bummed. I love the premise of Invisible Husband and I WILL get it. I will. I'm going to have to order.

  2. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Great interview Sheila and Gwyneth. Sheila, thank you for talking with us about your books. I look forward to reading Roses are Thorns and Violets are True. Gwyneth, you’re a great interviewer. You ask the questions I would like to ask. Thank you for taking the time to share these author interviews with us.

  3. Great interview Gwen & Sheila!

  4. I read Roses are Thorns and Violets are True when it was self-published. I look forward to reading Invisible Husband.

  5. Kimber An ~ You'll like My Invisible Husband. I read it a while back and enjoyed it. I was impressed with the way she took a character doing something that most would find problematic--lying to friends and family, even getting wedding gifts LOL--and still made her such an endearing and likable character.

    Patricia ~ Thanks for stopping by! It will be your turn soon... :-)

    Nancy ~ Thanks for dropping by!

    Patricia W ~ You'll like My Invisible Husband. I can't wait to read Roses are Thorns and Violets are True.


  6. Although I never lied to friends and family, I can understand the level of frustration which would drive the Heroine to it! Most girls I grew up with got knocked up and/or married while in high school or shortly thereafter. I waited. And waited. I waited to get married for what was considered a very long time where I came from. And, oh, did I ever get sick of friends and family nagging me about it!

  7. Gwyneth, you're a great interviewer. Thanks again.

    Kimber An, thanks...glad to see I'm not alone either.
    That's the only thing the character and I had in common too was being fed up with the nagging :)

    Patricia S., I hope you enjoy the twins story.

    Thanks Nancy.

    Patricia W, thanks. The support you and others gave me when I was self-published helped paved the way to where I am today.

  8. Great interview,,,I have to get the new book, I loved The Invisible Husband...

    Love and Blessings...


  9. Gwyneth,
    Happy to see you've interviewed Sheila. I actually got a copy of her Roses are Thorns when she first self-published it. It's a wonderful story.

    Congrats Sheila on it being reissued and your second book. Sheila, stop by my blog and leave your blog link, want to add it.


  10. Gwen, you rock at interviews. That was another wonderful interview. Way to go sheila.

  11. Angelia, glad you enjoyed My Invisible Husband. The twins bring even more drama :)

    Bella, thanks for your support. I'm headed to your page here shortly.

    Kari, just saying Hi :)

  12. Angelia, Bella and Kari ~ Thanks for stopping by and checking out the interview!

