Sunday, March 18, 2007

Making It Hot and the Emma Awards

Saturday was a busy day at the Romance Slam Jam! I did a workshop with A. C. Arthur on the love scene in romance novels and it was wonderful! You all might remember I interviewed A. C. a little while back on the blog. It was fun to get the chance to work with her on this workshop.

Here's the description for our workshop:

"Making It Hot: The Love Scene in Romance"
This workshop will examine those scenes in the romance novels that keep readers turning the pages: the first time, the hook-up, doing the deed... The love scene often has a prominent place in the romance novel, and we will explore why. In romance the best scenes are not only hot and steamy, but also deeply emotional. To be blunt, it's more than a little bump and grind. This workshop will explore what makes these scenes hot. What keeps us coming back for more? What makes us stop reading so that we can pause to fan ourselves with the book? And most important, what touches us in that special place in our hearts? We will get the discussion going by reading some of our favorites as well as some of our own work.

The workshop went well and we had a pretty packed room by the end. Some of the other workshop ran a little over and the room filled up as they got out of the other sessions. The interaction was great and I think it was useful for readers and writers. It's clear that the love scene is important for a reason... I read from Sweet Sensation and Cuffed by Candlelight. And I have to say that I need to read those love scenes a little more often. I couldn't get through the scene from Cuffed by Candlelight with out giggling. My friend Eleanor said it was because I was getting hot. LOL. But I think it because I'm just so innocent that reading the scene made me blush… Anyway A. C. read some pretty heated scenes from her work that had me fanning myself…

The rest of the conference was wonderful. You'll notice that I missed posting on Friday. But it was a pretty full day. I attended a session on "Reading and Reviewing African American Romance" by Eleanor Shields of Black Butterfly Review. The discussion in that session was lively and it was very clear that readers know what they want in their romance novels. I then went to Evelyn Palfrey's session, "It's not about you. It's about the book." That session was very informative and all about how writers can go about building their careers. Then I had to go and have a mojito for K. D. King since she couldn't be here. And then there was a bus trip to the Hard Rock casino. I lost $26.00… :-(

Saturday I heard two amazing writers speak. The lunch keynote speaker was Deirdre Savoy and then I heard Terry McMillan speak. I was in awe of Terry McMillan. The woman was amazing. There are really no words to express how it felt to see her in person… None.

Finally, Saturday evening was the Emma Awards and I'm so excited to share with you all that I won! I'm still in shock. But I'll recap all the winners for this evening.

Brenda Jackson won the Career Achievement Award. And although she couldn't make it this year, she sent a lovely speech that was read by Slam Jam founder Emma Rodgers. And Terry McMillan presented the award.

I won the Emma Award for Favorite New Author.

Vegas Bites won the Emma Award for Favorite Anthology. Congratulations to L. A. Banks, J. M Jeffries, Seressia Glass, and Natalie Dunbar.

I'm Gonna Make You Love Me won for Book of the Year. (I am still in shock.)

Darren Whitman from I'm Gonna Make You Love Me won for Favorite Hero. (Shocked.)

Alicia Taylor from I'm Gonna Make You Love Me won for Favorite Heroine. (Pinch me am I dreaming?)

Love Me Carefully by A. C. Arthur won for Favorite Romantic Suspense. Congrats A. C. !

The Closer I Get to You by Melanie Schuster won for Favorite Sequel in a Romance Series. Congrats, Melanie!

Delight Before Christmas by Angie Daniels won for Favorite Steamy Romance. Congrats, Angie!

Defining Moments by Jacqueline Thomas won Favorite Inspirational. Congrats, Jaqueline!

"Chocolate Kisses," by Renee Luke won for Favorite Novella. It was in the anthology by the same title which also had novellas by Francis Ray and Mary Ann Reid. Congrats, Renee Luke!

Francis Ray won Favorite Author! Congrats, Francis!

Dyanne Davis's Misty Blue won the award for Favorite Cover. Congrats, Dyanne!

I want to thank Adrienne McSweeney, Tisha Hill and the other members of Inner Elevation from the Written Word book club for planning and hosting such a wonderful event. I hope these ladies take a much need rest after this. They deserve it! Next year the Romance Slam Jam will be in Chicago. I can't wait. I really look forward to it each year.

Well, I have to fly back to home in the morning. I'll be leaving this wonderful Miami sunshine for the lovely snow… So, I better get some sleep.

Much love and peace,

Gwyneth (Who is still very much in shock)


  1. CONGRATULATIONS, GWEN!! YOU GO GIRL! I am definitely calling you today!!! :*)

  2. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Congrats Gwen...

    Terry McMillan huh? I'm gonna tell my mama!

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM




  4. Gwyneth,
    How wonderful! All those Emmas! Big congratulations!!! And keep smiling!

    Hope to see you in Chicago next year, if I'm still up this way.


  5. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Gwyneth!!! Congratulations on all of the awards! Book of the Year! How spectacular. Congratulations. I'm not surprised by the many awards you earned. That's so super spectacular. Very best wishes for continued success.

  6. Fun, fun, fun! Glad it went well, Gwyneth.

  7. Woo hoo! I stand in awe, sister. Congratulations!

  8. Congrats on the awards! Wow, girl you should feel so proud! I want to be like you when I grow up!

    I saw Terry in person last August at the National Book Club Conference -- and I was in awe too. Know the feeling!

    Have a great week!

  9. Well Congrats on all those awards. Now the first thing to do is change your blog. It will no longer read "Gwyneth's Blog"

    "Blog of Emma Award Winning Author Gwyneth Bolton"

    Favorite Hero? Darren?? Really???? Hmmm that is interesting.
    Now as I am not the type to say "I told you so." I will just let you bask in your glory with all your awards that were much deserved.

  10. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just read I'M GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE ME on Saturday. Yep, in one day. 'Cuz it was riveting. You deserve all the awards. Big ups, Soror!

  11. Congratulations, Gwen! You go, girl!


  12. Thanks, Tyhitia, Tamika, and Tiffany!

    Thanks, Bettye! I hope to see you in Chicago too. It looks like it is going to be a great event.

    Thanks, Patricia, Kimber An and Chicki!

    Thanks, Michelle! Yes, Terry was awesome! I could have listened to her all day. LOL.

    Thanks, K. D. King. I don't know about changing the name of the blog... And you already said you told me so. I'm just glad you left off your 'I'm Gonna Make You Love Me' is the best book you ever wrote and this is why speech. LOL.

    Thanks, Patricia W! I'm glad you enjoyed I'm Gonna Make You Love me. That means a lot to me.

    Thanks, Ann!

  13. Anonymous1:03 AM

    I've been in deep deadline and decided to surf a bit (a much needed break) and, WOW!
    Way, to go!!!! :)

  14. Thanks, Delilah! I'll send positive energy your way for those deadlines. :-)

  15. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Congratulations on the Emmas! It was good to see you again and to share in the special bond of RSJ sisterhood. Oh and by the way you need to add "Dancing Queen" somewhere in your credentials:)

    See you in Chicago, and again, big congrats!(and thanks for the purchase)


  16. WOW!

    Congrats Gwen, this was your Slam Jam.

    I know it had to be a fantastick night for you.

    I remember us talking at the Slam Jam in Dallas and you telling me about your non fiction writing.

    You've come a long way. I'm glad I was able to see you blossom.

    I'm hoping to make the Chicago Slam.

  17. Thanks, LaShaunda!

    I remember that Slam Jam. We sat together on the bus trip to the outlet mall. LOL. It really doesn't seem like it was that long ago and in a way it wasn't.

    I'm still in shock at the Emma Awards.

    Hope to see you in Chi-town!


  18. Daaaaangg! Gwen you cleaned up! Congrats. All awards were much deserved.
