Thursday, March 29, 2007


Kimber An has a new blog that she is devoting to reviewing romance novels and industry issues. The blog is called Enduring Romance. And she has posted her review of SWEET SENSATION there. Stop by and check it out and be sure to support this wonderful new endeavor.

I'll get back to posting soon. Playing catch up after traveling and then getting sick means I don't have time right now to tell you all how stupid I think the people giving Oprah a hard time about the rules at her school are. And I realize I haven't called Puffy an idiot in a while or ragged on Essence Magazine in a minute. And you don't even want to hear what I think about that disgrace to Black womanhood New York... Maybe in the near future... For now, check out Kimber An's review here:

  • Enduring Romance

  • much love and peace,



    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      I will go check it...I haven't had a chance to pick this one up yet but I am looking forward to it.


    2. Great review! Speaking of idiots, have you read that Karrine "Superhead" Steffans has a new book coming out? I'll make sure to miss that one...

    3. I am so glad that I am not the only one who thinks New York is a disgrace!

      And not just to African-American women...she is a disgrace to our entire gender.

    4. Kimber An ~ Thanks for taking the time to read and review my work. And I'll be sure to visit Enduring Romance regularly and support your endeavor.

      Tiffany ~ Be sure to let me know what you think when you do.

      Chicki ~ Another book??? Wow! I bet it makes the best sellers list just like the other one. People seem to want to hear that kind of stuff.

      Lady Bronco ~ You know what, you're so right. She really is a disgrace to the gender...

