Monday, March 19, 2007

After spending the past day and a half at the airport...

I am finally back home. My flight from Miami was delayed for about three and a half hours on Sunday. This of course made me miss my connecting flight. And then I had to fly stand-by on a much later flight, the last flight of the evening as a matter of fact. And after sitting there all day, I found out that I wasn't going to make that flight. So after making a big fuss, I got sent to a hotel for the night and booked on another flight. But instead of a direct flight, I had to fly to another city and then connect to another flight to get home. I'm home now and I couldn't be happier.

It's nice to get away, but the ups and downs with travel these days, makes the "getting there" part of it too aggravating for words.

Much love and peace,



  1. Welcome home. Other than your airport dilemma, I think you had a good trip, yes?

  2. aww, gwyn!!

    i'm glad you arrived safely (eventually)

  3. Ahh, the joys of Aviation Time-Warp. I'm a pilot's wife. I live there! Welcome back. Glad you had fun.

  4. Glad you made it back safely.

  5. Welcome back, Gwyneth! I hope that you didn't have to work today!

  6. Thanks for all the welcome back shout outs, everyone! I'm glad to be home for a minute. I have another conference later this week. But at least that one is driving distance. LOL.


  7. glad you made it home safely!

    i saw one of your books in my local Borders the other day. ;~)

  8. Cool, Rageyone! I like to hear that the books are actually on the shelves. :-)
