Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hooray for Hollywood...On the Real!

Well, Dream Girls didn't get the Screen Actor's Guild Award for Best Ensemble Cast in a Film... But they did show the sistas some love this evening. The cast of Grey's Anatomy won for Best Ensemble Cast on a TV Drama. So, yay for Shonda Rhimes! I love that show!

My girl, Chandra Wilson won an award for her portrayal of Dr. Miranda Bailey on Grey's Anatomy. And her speech was a hoot. She even gave a shout out to the brotha in rehab. LOL. And she even made mention of the fact that she was going home to show her award to her daughters so that they can see what is possible even with her skin, nose, height and weight. Really positive!

And Jennifer Hudson won Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of Effie in Dream Girls. In my opinion, she should have been in the running for best actress. There wasn't anything supporting about that role. There wouldn't be a movie without Effie and Jennifer Hudson steals the show from everyone. Heck, she's the star. They're supporting her... but that's another post. Anyway, it looks like Hollywood is finally showing thicker sista some love. And they didn't have to play maids or prostitutes to get the statue. We'll see what happens at the Oscars... But, dare I start to feel a little hopeful... Probably not wise... I'll just bask in the fact that tonight three thicker sistas got some well-deserved props and hope that it continues. In any case, congratulations to Chandra Wilson and Jennifer Hudson! Well done ladies! Well done!


  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    You are so right about Jennifer Hudson because I was wondering the same thing who is she supporting the whole film to me was centered around what happened to her so no diss on anyone else in the film world but Jennifer should have won best actress hands down. Can not wait to read the anthology just bought Devine Destiny and will start it in a couple days can't wait to see who will be my favorite. Peace & Blessings to you

  2. Oh, I love that red dress! Totally hot. What a woman.

  3. Now that was great! Finally, real women win something and not the typical toothpick chick. You go Chandra and Jennifer!

  4. Tonie ~ Okay! I don't mean it as a diss to anyone either. It is what it is... She stole the show... I hope you like Divine Destiny. Be sure to let me know what you think.

    Kimber An ~ That is a great dress, isn't it!

    Tyhitia ~ I see you got your picture working! Yay! And I was just too-too happy that these women won SAGs last night! Whooowee!

  5. Haven't seen Dreamgirls yet but maybe hubby will take me for my birthday next Sunday (yeah, I know it's Super Bowl Sunday. Like I care...) Anyway, love Shonda Rimes' dress...for this ceremony.

    Jennifer actually wore burgundy sequins, and looked fabulous. And if you caught her on the UNCF Evening of Stars tribute to Aretha, she sounds great! The lady is going places.

    And I'm shocked that Eddie is winning all these awards. Again, I haven't seen the movie yet, but who would have thunk it?

  6. Grey's is such a fabulous show. And Jennifer has a powerful gift. I'm SO proud of the sisters -- Like Demon Hunter said, they aren't toothpicks. They are "substantial women" as Iyanla often says, who look like the rest of us.

  7. Patricia ~ The movie was great! I'm telling you, Jennifer Hudson was worth the price of the ticket all by herself, everything else was cake. :-) I agree with you. Jennifer Hudson is going places. And as for Eddie, wait until you see the movie. He really did do a wonderful job in the film. Personally, I think the reason he his being rewarded is one part outstanding performance and one part, 'dang we've never given this man an award in all these years... better give him something...' That's not to take away from the fact that he really did deserve an award for this role... But I'm just saying...

    Chicki ~ That's right! That's why I wanted to post pictures of them looking curvy and fabulous! I wish I could have posted pictures of the dresses they wore to the SAGs. But these are just as good. And Grey's Anatomy is my favorite show on TV right now. The writing is just excellent.

  8. Congrats to Chandra and Jennifer --that was accolades well deserved.

    Gwyneth -- can't find your email address. Got a question for you --email me at with your email addy.

  9. I know, Michelle! It's so nice when people get what due them! I love it. :-)

  10. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Gwyneth, I love your posts. Yes, congratulations to thicker sisters who wear it well. With pride. I'm looking forward to reading Risk, too. I enjoyed Trouble.

  11. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Guuuuurl, I am so glad you brought up the Jennifer Hudson "supporting actress" thing. Now as you have already stated that it will be a seperate blog, I will save the bulk of my commentary for that (hurry up cause I have alot to say). But yes you are right. I saw the play AND the movie. And I had heard that Jennifer Hudson was a supporting actress and was confused because I thought she was playing Effie, who was the star of the movie.

    As a fabulous, gorgeous, beautiful, enchanting, magnificent, and modest thick madam I am soo pleased to see the image of acceptance is changing.

  12. Patricia ~ Thanks! that's so nice of you to say. Now I'm all cheesing... :-) And I started Risk last night, it looks like our girl Ann has another winner! Yay!

    Kimberly ~ Now I have to hurry and write up the post, cause I can't wait to read what you have to say. LOL.
