Saturday, December 16, 2006

My Dream Cast...

Sheila M. Gross's great post last week on Blogging in Black, "Lights, Cameras...Wait a Minute," got me to thinking about who I'd like to see play the leads if I am ever lucky enough to see one of my books made into a movie. (Side note... I think that if this were to ever happen, I'd probably be so happy that they could cast whoever they wanted in it and it wouldn't bother me. I'd be too busy screaming, 'They're making a movie out of my novel! They're making a movie out of my novel!!)

You can find Sheila's post here if you want to find out more on what she has to say about the limited amount of Black novels being made into films:

So, anyway, I started thinking about who I'd like to play the leads in my novels and came up with the following:

I'm Gonna Make You Love Me


Shemar Moore as Darren Whitman


Tatyana Ali as Alicia Taylor

If Only You Knew


Lamman Rucker as Carlton Harrington III


Beyonce Knowles as Latonya Stevens-Harrington

Divine Destiny


Morris Chestnut as Darwu the Warrior Prince


Sanaa Lathan as Kara Millan

Handcuffs Mean Never Having to Say You're Sorry (Novella in the February 2007 release Cuffed By Candlelight)


LL Cool J as Lance King


Malinda Williams as Tamara Downing

Sweet Sensation (March 2007)


Shawn Wayans as Fredrick "Flex" Towns III


Tyra Banks as Deidre "Sweet Dee" James

So if any of you big-time Hollywood Stars happen to be reading this and want to option one of these novels, holla! :-) Until next time...

much love and peace,



  1. Oh, I LOVE playing this game. My Crunchy Critters and I have done this with SCD. Okay, I didn't see any of the people in my head that you picked when I read 'I'm Gonna Make You.' I'll have to think about that one. In fact, I didn't see any of the other people in my head for any of the other stories, EXCEPT... (drum roll please)...Morries Chestnut as Darwu. He is one gorgeous hunk of manly manflesh. I'll have to think about the others and get back to you.

  2. I'm glad you agree with me on at least one of my pick, Kimber An! There is no one better for the role of Darwu than Morris "fine-as-he-wanna-be" Chestnut. That was pretty much a no-brainer for me. Throw him in one of those yummy Hercules outfits (from the TV Show in the 90s) and he's good to go!

  3. You had me until Beyonce. Maybe Gina Torres instead. I'm just not feeling Beyonce as an actress.

  4. Kimberly,

    I know... I struggled with that one. She'd be a box office draw though.... LOL.

    Gina Torres would be a better fit. I hadn't thought about her. She was in the Best Man, right? The snobby one?

  5. Cuba Gooding, Jr. as Darrin.

  6. Hmm... Kimber An... I have to say I would have never pictured Cuba "Show-Me-the-Money" Gooding, Jr. as Darren... Still can't see it. But he is a great actor.

  7. But, he's just so cute!

    I know how you feel though. Some of the actors my Crunchy Critters came up for my characters made no sense to me. But, here's the encouraging thing, it means your story is multi-dimensional when a variety of readers can see their own in some way.

  8. Brandi as Alicia.

    She was so beautiful in Cinderella and her Prince Charming was drop-dead gorgeous!

  9. Kimber An,

    It's funny you mentioned that because I was watching reruns of her television show, Moesha, and I thought, hmmm... she kind of reminds me of Alicia. And I told my hubby that Brandi would make a good Alicia, or at least she would have a few years back. And he said, "No way." So, I guess you're right. People imagine the characters their own way. That's what cool about finding out what other people who have read the book think.

  10. No, No that was Melissa DeSousa in The Best Nan. Though now that you bring it up would be cool. Gina Torres is on a show called Standoff, comes on Tuesday nights. She was in Serenity (the show Firefly which the movie was based), she was a demon in Angel (If you were a fan of the show). She was in Matrix III (brief cameo though).
    As you can see I know her cause I watch all Sci-fi and fantasy stuff. I can't think of a mainstream movie she was in...checking imdb.
    Oh yeah she was the Russian in Alias (earlier episodes). She was in nothing big, you'll have to look her up on imdb and see her picture.

  11. You know now that I think about it Djimon Honsoun would make a good Darwu.

    That would be old dude from Amistad "Give Us Free!"

  12. Tamika -- I know I really struggled with SWSNBN... But oh well...

  13. Kimberly,

    I looked her up yesterday and then I realized she was the woman from Alias, one of my all time favorite shows. She would make a great Latonya or Kara truth be told. I see her more as Kara. I'm feeling Melissa DeSousa as Latonya, though. Djimon Honsoun would be an interesting choice. He's a great actor. You know that's my line... I say it all the time... "Give us free!"

  14. Anonymous7:33 PM

    You've assembled a talented cast.


  15. Thanks, Paz! If only Hollywood would call... :-)

  16. Oh Yum, Yum and MORE YUM!! (that's only for the hottie-hot men you piked!)

    Gracious! After this tantilizing visualization...I'd have to have my spray mister bottle next to me when reading your books!

    Talk about sizzle! You've got everyting from hotter than hot to sophisticated sizzle.

    But I play this game too with my characters. And to be really queer...when I burn the ms on a CD, I make the CD label with their pictures on it. yeah, I know....I need counseling. I also have "soundtracks" to my novels, and I burn the cd's with cute cd labels of the characters.

    So..YUM-MY...I've got to post so I can go back and look at them again!!!

  17. Oh now that's cool, Barb. I hadn't thought of making lables with their photos for the manuscript CD. I plan on burning a soundtrack for Sweet Sensation since the chapter subtitles are all hip-hop love songs. So, I'm gonna steal your idea. And you just made me think of another cool idea--fake movie posters! That would be cool to have at a book signing.

  18. Anonymous1:20 AM

    I thought the actors for Divine Destiny were PERFECT and could actually feel the chemistry. The handcuffs actors were a good choice too. But, Beyonce? Tyra? Come on....

  19. Hey Yogi!

    Okay, since you're the third person to take issue with Beyonce, we may have to reconsider... But Tyra was actually pretty good as Deja in Higher Learning... I think she would be an interesting choice. :-)

    Happy New Year!
