Thursday, December 21, 2006

Happy Holidays!

Here's Fantasia singing one of my favorite Christmas songs. See you in the New Year!



  1. Yay, Fantasia. I love American Idol. My favorites were Bo Bice and Chris Daughtry. I love Carrie Underwood too. Have a great New Year.

  2. Love Fantasia. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thanks for your support this year.

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I love Fantasia. I hope that you and your family have a Merry Christmas and blessed New Year. Also I got your book Divine Destiny and I cannot wait to read it.


  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Be safe and enjoy!

  5. Out of all the American Idol contestants, Fantasia is my favorite. Loved her first cd and can't wait to get this second one.
    Happy and safe Holidays to you and yours! Emma

  6. Kari -- I love Fantasia, too. I only watch the first and the last show usually of American Idol. I like the first ones where they show people trying out because they are so funny when people clearly have no talent. And I like the last because I like to see the best of the best duke it out for the top spot. Happy Holidays!

    Patricia W -- Ditto on Fantasia. I hope her second album is just as wonderful as the first. I downloaded your story on Thursday but the file was unreadable. I'll see what happend on another computer because I do want to read it. Happy holidays!

    Tiffany -- Yes, Fantasia rocks! Be sure to let me know what you think of Divine Destiny. Happy holidays to you and the family! Much love, cuz!

    Rageyone -- Happy Holidays!

    Emma Petersen -- Fantasia is my favorite too. I love her voice--wish I could sing like that. I just voted for ya! Good luck and happy holidays!

  7. hey! hope your holidays are happily wonderful... or wonderfully happy.

    in any case, looking forward to "seeing" you in the new year.

  8. Love Fantasia! She's one of our favorite idols!

  9. Elle -- Thanks! I hope your holidays are lovely also. See ya next year! LOL!

    Jen-t -- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, girlfriend!
