Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Brotha Please Awards, 2006

Welcome and thank you for tuning in to the first annual Brotha Please Awards also known as the "boo, negro boo awards." I'm your host for this evening, Gwyneth Bolton, and tonight we'll be honoring three brothas who need to sit their behinds down and shut up. Now, I know that we shouldn't reward bad behavior. But we should have a way to call attention to these brothas in a way that serves to curb that kind of behavior in the future.

So without further ado, the first award of the evening goes to a young man who has been writing for a while. He built his career off of the hard earned dollars of loyal female readers and a few years back had the nerve to stand in front of an audience of women book club members and complain about having majority female readers. You see he wants men to read his books. And he even went as far as to chastise the women for not doing more to make sure their husbands and boyfriends read so that he can have men read his masculine books. Then he wrote and essay in a major black women's magazine (Essence 2/06—I told y'all they have fallen off…) going on and on about how he is such a successful alpha male with so many women adoring him that when his wife is too tired for sex or has a headache it makes it hard for him to keep wanting to be faithful. Brotha Please! Omar Tyree gets the Most Sexist Brotha of the Year Award.

The second award goes to a rapper who began his rap career talking about how many times he'd been shot and also started a war with another popular rapper at the time. Now, there is nothing wrong with attacking the guy on top in order to take his place. Law of the jungle, kill or be kill, whatever… But this rapper went a little crazy with it and couldn’t seem to stop starting trouble with other rappers and just stirring up all kinds of mess. Every new album he releases he has a new beef with yet another rapper. One would think that he wanted to get shot again… But now the brotha has really lost his ever-loving mind. He is going to war with Oprah Winfrey! He's complaining to everyone who will listen (White Media…) that Oprah doesn't like black men and she is no longer black identified, etc… whatever… And he is doing this because he feels that Oprah doesn't have enough rap artists on her show. Hmmm… let me see… last time I checked it was the Oprah Winfrey Show. She can have whoever or whatever she wants on her show. When you get a show then you can have what you want on your show. See how that works? You still don't get it do you? Are you slow? No, you just like starting shit, huh? Brotha Please! 50 Cent, please step up and take your two awards: The Whiniest Brotha of the Year Award and the special So, You Wanna Be Starting Somethin' Certificate.

The third award of the evening goes to my friend and yours… we've talked about him on this blog before. He is also an… entertainer… (The hip-hop purist in me won't allow me to call him a rapper…) He just released an album and he has been seen everywhere promoting it. Luckily he and his long-term girlfriend are expecting twins just in time to help build the hype around his new album. And luckily his momma is a long time friend of Essence Magazine's former editor and iconic presence Susan L. Taylor… (How else can one explain the many covers devoted to this fool over the years, especially the most recent one?) Anyway, there are so many reasons why he should get the Brotha Please Award. But this year he gets it for using his girlfriend's pregnancy to sell records. That's just tacky, tacky, tacky. Pimping your children before they even get here is so not cool. All I can say is Brotha Please! Puffy or Diddy or whatever you are calling yourself these days, come on up and get your Tackiest Brotha of the Year Award.

Now I realize that you might take issue with this year's awardees. You might think we here at Gwyneth's Blog have been too harsh. Or you might think that there are others far more deserving of this award. So, please feel free to voice your opinion and share your thoughts. Also feel free to nominate and even give out your own awards. And before you say I'm picking on the brothas, let the record show that I fully intend to have a Sista Please Award Show soon. Because some of y'all have lost your minds as well… Kim Porter… Essence Magazine… Superhead… Carmen Bryan… New York from the Flavor of Love… all the sistas on Flavor of Love…

So, let us know what you think. Until next time…

Much love and peace,



  1. Too funny, Gwen. What a fun idea to target the deserving men and then the women. Nicely done.

  2. Tamika -- I know who you're speaking of and I agree. He get's the Brotha Take Your Five Minutes and Sit Down Already Award from me.

    Kari -- Thanks! I love award shows... :-)


  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    All I can say is Amen and Amen!!! I read something about Karrine "Superhead" Steffans yesterday that made me realize that the woman needs serious psychiatric help. At the risk of sounding like my mother, it scares me to see so many members of a generation who seems to have no pride or self-respect. It's just sad.

  4. how do you really feel girl? Too funny and too right on! Job well done! But it would be nice to see some brothas get some yay brotha yay awards too! I know -- I'm pulling a 50 -- this is your blog, not mine! :-) hee

  5. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Too funny. 50 cent is joke. I made a new name for him a few years ago. Instead of 50, it's more like, a quarter, 2 dimes, and a nickel. LOL! Anyway, he must not even read about Oprah. Look at all of the African children and adults she has helped over the years. I wonder how many 50 has sponsered? Uh, none! Love the awards!

  6. Chicki -- I know what you mean. It is enough to give one pause for sure!

    Michelle -- You know what, you're right. That would be nice... not as funny... but nice... So, I'm going to nominate the following brothas for the Yay, Brotha Yay Award. Professor, scholar, and thinker Mark Anthony Neal for his stunning critique of black masculinity in his brilliant book New Black Man. The brotha is 'bout it on the community uplift tip and providing serious food for thought to help us elevate our minds. And Kevin Powell for continuing to grapple with his our sexism, homophobia, and masculinity in public through his writing and speaking. His example of self critique and continued quest toward personal growth is one we all should follow. There's nothing sexier than a brotha who recognizes the areas he needs to grow in and is not afraid to do the work that he needs to do for that growth. So MAN and Kevin step right up and get your Too Fresh For This Century, Way Before Your Time, Yay, Brotha Yay Award!

    How's that Michelle? And if you can think of more brothas to holla a shout out to, let me know. I'm all about the love... for real... I am... :-)

  7. Hey, Ty -- I know. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there aren't somethings we couldn't say about my play cousin Ms. Winfrey. But, I'm just saying... 50 need to hush and stop hating...

  8. 2 snaps and a clap Gwen! Well done! But, does Snoop not deserve one of these...Oh and let us not forget about OJ.

    Ohhh...I can't wait for the Sista Awards. Please give one to that Porter woman...hmmm...who else...let me think...

  9. Rageyone -- Girl, you are right! How can I forget about Snoop and all his drama. The fool is about to go to jail.. for what? Stupidity! And that drama with his wife before he decided it was cheaper to keep her... He should be on the list for sure. And OJ gets the one for having the audacity to try and profit off of murder. Like it wasn't enough that he got away with murder. Good ones, Rageyone! Good ones! Great candidates for Brotha Please!

  10. Anonymous5:51 PM

    mm-mm-mm. linked!

  11. Girl -- I had to come back. Got another Boo award nominee. DMX -- claiming the girl he got pregnant outside of his marraige raped him. HUH? Her silly behind had the nerve to be in Sister 2 Sister talking about "I AM NOT A RAPIST!"

    WHAAAAAAAT? Why would she even acknowledge that ish? Had me rolling on the floor in Quiktrip the other day.

    Love the yay awards! It's all about love, gurrrl! :-)

    You gotta respect Kevin, he does put himself out there for all the world to see flaws and all. I remember him from the first MTV Real World season. That wasn't nothing nice. Brutal.

  12. Elle -- Thanks for linking girl!

    Michelle -- I can't believe I forgot about DMX! He sure did show his behind this year and is worthy of an award for his trouble. Between that reality show on BET where he showed us just how ignorant he can be to his Sister to Sister interview where he claimed he was raped... (which he clearly did so that his dumb wife wouldn't realize that he cheated and that's how he got the woman pregnant... and that's why he has to pay child support for an outside kid... but that's another post... we'll call it what's the craziest thing a guy ever told his wife to avoid getting caught cheating...) And that's not to say that men can't be raped by women. That just to say, that I don't believe he was and there is nothing anyone can do to make me believe it. Sorry.

    Anyway, he is so award worthy I don't know which action to call out. I guess both. Brother Please! DMX step right up and get your two awards, the Brotha Who Most Co-opted Women's Struggles and Issues for Personal Gain Award and a certificate for Unbelievable Throwback to Shucking and Jiving on TV.

  13. He just gets 2 awards? He deserves more!!!! We won't even get into his car jacking somebody for their car and pretending to be an FBI agent. What is wrong with him? I guess those don't count. Those were previous years -- but still!!!!!

  14. Anonymous9:32 PM

    gwyn, check out the comment about you made on my linked post.

    not that you don't know how wonderful you are, but i think it's nice to hear someimes!

  15. Michelle -- Yes, the awards aren't retroactive... if they were we'd have to write a book to list all the folk who should have gotten them through the years. LOL! So, DMX's past antics can't be rewarded... too bad... he really deserved awards for those....

    Elle -- Awwww... That is so nice! I can't believe that someone said such wonderful things about me and my alter ego... Now I'm trying to figure out where she might have heard me speak and if I know her.

  16. Anonymous10:28 AM

    you beat me to it, tamika. i also was going to nominate that same professor for the same reasons. please, brotha...please...

    i would like to mention eddie murphy for consideration. scary spice is hollerin about "he's my baby daddy!" while he is escorting tracey edmonds to the premiere of _dreamgirls_.

    eddie murphy for the "negro, please" award.

  17. Madame Zenobia,

    Yes, Eddie Murphy. I think Charlie Murphy's baby brother should get an award for this recent turn of events, especially if he really is Scary Spice's baby daddy. But then to go on an start dating Baby Face's ex wife so soon after knocking up Scary Spice with a baby... Brother Please! Eddie Murpy, for being Charlie Murphy's baby bro, Scary Spice's baby daddy and Baby Face's ex's current boyfriend, you get The Baby, Baby, Baby, Please Wrap It Up and Stop Making Babies With Casual Flings Award.

  18. Genius and hilarious! :-D

  19. Thank you, Monica! :-)

  20. Thanks for showing me love on my blog for my first literary award! Michelle *grinning* Have a great rest of the week!

  21. That post was too funny! I fully support all the nominees for the Sista Please Awards! I'm sure there are some others, but none come to mind right away.

  22. Thanks, TDJ! I guess I better get busy writing those up so those sisters can get their awards! LOL. Thanks for dropping by and posting!
