Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Second Review for Divine Destiny!

I just got my second review for my December release, Divine Destiny. Romance Junkies gave it 5 Blue Ribbons! Here's an excerpt from the review:

"Gwyneth Bolton has written a thrilling kick-butt story with DIVINE DESTINY. Kara is exactly the kind of heroine we all love. She's not about to back down to any man and will do whatever she has to for the cause that she believes is right. Darwu's attitude is exactly what I would expect from a male - dominant and 'always right.' Reading about their battle of wills is a delight to the senses. There's so much going on throughout this storyline that readers will anxiously devouring the pages to find out where the true threat is coming from and if Darwu and Kara ever learn to agree on anything.

Ms. Bolton just keeps getting better with every book she writes. This is her third published novel an it's vastly different from her other works. The characters still display the wonderful headstrong personalities I loved so much in her other stories but you get an exciting paranormal element along with a bit of suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat as I read. This is definitely a book I'll be adding to my keeper shelf." -- Christine Dionne for Romance Junkies


  1. Awesome, Gwen! (Doing the Snoopy dance now, my cats are glaring at me...)

  2. Thanks, Nancy! I need to do alittle happy dance myself! I feel like saying, 'they like me... they really like me...' LOL

  3. Anonymous10:16 PM

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  4. That is so awesome, Gwen. You are an amazing author, I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't like you!!!!

  5. Awe, Kari.... thank you... But I'm sure there's someone out there who won't like it. You can't please everyone... But I'm certainly going to enjoy this moment. That's my new goal... enjoy the good stuff... and don't harp on and focus on the negative... we'll see how that works. LOL!
