Thursday, October 26, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

Thanks a lot Kari! I'll get you back one day. So Kari tagged me and now I have to share five things that people may not know about me. Here they are:

Five things most people don’t know about me

1. My family nickname is Kitten. Yep. My daddy gave me the nickname when I was a baby because of the way I used to sleep balled up underneath my mommy.

2. I’m an introverted/extrovert according to Meyers Briggs. So I am actually in my own head most of the time and it takes a lot of energy from me to interact with people. I have to go back into myself to replenish. It’s great for the writer in me. Not always the best for the professor.

3. I wanted to be a rapper when I was a teenager. My emcee name was Gwenny Dee. This was from the time I was about 13 to 16 years old. Before that, I wanted to be a writer. After that, I discovered boys and didn’t write anything, stories or raps, until I went to college. Then I wanted to be a writer again and ended up being a graduate student and then a professor.

4. I’m a year older than my husband. Yep. I have a younger man. A Tender Roni. A sweet young thang. I’m in a May/December romance. LOL.

5. I like to read more than I like to write. If I had to pick one to give up. It would probably be the writing.

Okay, now I tag the following: I Have Spoken, Madame Zenobia, Strictly Seductive, Kaia Writes, and Lyric James.

Much love and peace,



  1. Yay, those are awesome, Gwen. You're an introvert? Never. Love that you were a rapper. That is so cool. I really love this game. It's so cool to learn new things about people.

  2. Yep, Kari. And I can't wait to tag you with something. *evil laugh* No, it was fun. Although it was hard trying to think of stuff that people didn't know about me.

  3. I can't believe you're an introvert either, you keep the group in stitches! Great post!

  4. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I'm enjoying these little tag posts you guys have going... Neat to know you wanted to be a rapper... not my particular favorite... but I don't think I've met a woman who seriously wanted to be a rapper... so I've got to like mark that down on my life bingo card or something.

    Nice to meet you!

  5. Nancy,
    No one ever believes me but it's true. I am. Really I am. And if we can believe that Kari is shy. Then surely we can believe that I am introverted.

    Rashenbo! Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. You an introvert and Kari shy. Right. Uh-huh.
    OTOH, so am I.

  7. And I believe you, Miz M. *wink wink* :-)
