Tuesday, September 12, 2006

What I really want to do is…

So, I have been thinking a lot lately about writing and what I want to write and how I want to promote myself as a writer. And I am struck by how very different the tones of my first three novels are and the fact that I don't see any of them as the one and only kind of writing I want to do. My first novel, I'm Gonna Make You Love Me, is a light-hearted, almost sweet romance. (I say almost sweet because although the characters are younger and the novel has some sweet elements, they do have sex a couple of times.) My second novel, If Only You Knew, was more emotional and was nowhere near sweet.

I have had some readers who liked both of these novels even though they have different tones. And I have had some readers who preferred one and not the other for various reasons. A few readers didn't like If Only You Knew. But I’m not sure if they liked I'm Gonna Make You Love Me. In any case, I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately because my third novel will be out in December and it is a dark paranormal erotic romance. So I've been wondering what readers who loved my first novel or my second novel might think about Divine Destiny. Personally, I feel that although the tones are very different in each book, my voice is the same. —Whatever that means...

I think that my writing three very different books when I’m just starting as a writer could prove to be an interesting experiment. I'm too new to really have an audience or a fan base. So, it’s not like readers are going to be used to me writing X and get upset when I come along with Y. But I just might make a few readers upset who come to Divine Destiny expecting the same lighthearted read they got in I’m Gonna Make You Love Me. I don't know. And I’m trying not to stress out about it. Because, what I really want to do is write whatever stories come to my mind and write them well. I hope that readers will take the ride with me or take the ride they feel comfortable with and allow me the chance to try new things even if all they really want is for me to write another sweet romantic comedy, or another gritty paranormal erotic romance. The truth is, I like to write both of these and I also love to write emotional and passionate traditional Harlequin-presents type romances like If Only You Knew. Who knows what else is in this head of mine. I can't wait to see…

Much love and peace,



  1. I think it's amazing, Gwyneth, that you can do all that. I hope no publisher (and very few readers) ever pigeonhole you. Though it's a simplistic thing to say (and I know it won't pay the bills!), if you're happy, keep writing wherever your muse takes you.

  2. Thanks, Elle. That's the plan. We'll see how it works!


  3. Hey Gwen! Thought I'd pop in - saw your blogspot thru your CNYRW post! I think it's great that you're capable of so many different avenues for stories. Keeps things interesting.

    Spread your wings and fly!!!

  4. I hope so, Milady Insanity!

    Thanks for stopping by the blog.


  5. Hey Barb!

    Thanks for checking out my blog! I think it's great too. It keeps me interested in writing.

