Monday, September 25, 2006

First Review for Divine Destiny

I just got my first early review for my December release Divine Destiny and I thought I'd share the highlights. Monique Bruner at Real Page Turners had this to say about my first paranormal erotic romance:

"Divine Destiny is an unforgettable love story with a dark paranormal erotic edge.  Bolton has the gift of luring the reader into the storyline and making them part of the fairy-tale.  The twist and turns of the love destroys one family while redeeming a country that has been wrought with death and destruction.  The depth of the characters and the description of the surroundings creates a uniqueness that propels this romance to the front of the pack.  Bolton is clearly the next dark paranormal erotic romance author of the decade!"

Needless to say, I am just a happy as I can be. It's always nice when someone gets your work. And it's even better when they like your work. Now I'm off to write so that I can try and make good on Ms. Bruner's statement. Can't be the paranormal erotic romance author of the decade with just one book in the genre...

Much love and peace,



  1. Congrats, Gwyneth!

    ...though I'm not surprised!

  2. Anonymous1:25 PM

    That's fantastic! I've always thought about what I'll do when I get my first review. Probably hide under the bed...

  3. Denise (Chicki),

    I think it never gets easier... It's always going to be a mixture of nervous energy and anticipation. For each book I publish I'll probably be biting my nails waiting to hear what folks think about it.

  4. Thanks, Monique! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are right!
