Sunday, August 27, 2006

Chilling with Sista Chat Book Club

Last night I had the most wonderful time discussing my two novels, I'm Gonna Make You Love Me and If Only You Knew, with the Sista Chat Book Club of Buffalo. These women showed me so much sisterhood. And I felt so at home that I almost forgot we were talking about my books! I got so caught up in the discussion that all my nervous feelings about having my "babies" discussed by others went away. You know sisters will tell it like it is. So, I had been nervous all day thinking that they may hate the books and wonder why they invited me in the first place. But we all had a good time talking about the books. Some of the members loved Alicia and she got on some of their nerves. Most of the members loved them some Darren. Some members liked Carlton and others threatened to "cut him" if they had been Latonya. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I can't wait to get the pictures developed so I can post them on my website. I think that Black women's book clubs are the corner stone of the new black literature renaissance we are currently experiencing. And I'm so glad that Sista Chat was my first book club experience. So Sista Chat, thanks so much for showing a sista some love! You women are awesome!

Much love and peace,



  1. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Hi Gwyneth,
    This is Kim Y. from Buffalo. Sista Chat is honored that you were willingly to grace our book club and to have been your 1st book club experience. (I just hope we didn't scare you from visiting other book clubs... I know we are a "lively" bunch!!) We truly appreciate your willingness to travel to Buffalo and spend time with us. I hope to see you at the 2007 Harlem Book Fest(hint, hint!)I will definitely keep in touch my Sista.
    P.S. Is there anyway you can persuade your publisher to release your next 2 books early!? I don't want to wait that long to read them!

  2. Hi Kim!

    If anything spending the evening chatting with you all has made me look forward to my next book club experience. I had a blast! I haven't laughed so hard in a while.

    I wish I could get the publishers to release them early. But the way time passes so quickly, December and March will be here before you know it.

    Take care and I am going to hold you to your promise to keep in touch.

    much love and peace,

