Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Some thoughts on African American romance

I have been reading romance novels from the time I was twelve. My mom used to subscribe to Harlequin Presents and then she started getting the first silhouette American when they came out in the 80s. Okay, I'm dating myself. I guess I have always had a soft spot in my heart for a great love story, even before I was really old enough to know what a "great love" was supposed to be. In the 90s when the first African American romances were published I was in my twinkling twenties and knew all about love--yeah right. Anyway, I was so happy to finally be able to read about people who looked liked me falling in love. I subscribed to Arabesque and started my African American Romance collection. Several years and book cases later, my collection is very impressive. I have so many favorite writers that I don't know what to do. And I'm a romance writer now. I have two romance novels published so far and a few more coming out this coming winter. I feel blessed to be a part of such a growing field as a reader and a writer. So, I'm devoting this blog space to something I love African American romance. I'll post my thoughts on great books I've read and keep readers posted on my own novels. I'll more than likely have posts that look at African American romance novels, love songs, cinema--you name it. It's all black love, all the time. So check in from time to time and check me out.

much love and peace,


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